U.K. Is Blacklisting Websites They Find Too "Conservatives" (2024)


  • The Worldview Report has learned that Joe Biden’s IRS is planning to target people for tax audits based on their racial and ethnic background.
  • A raging fire broke out at a federal uranium facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, continuing a series of seemingly random attacks on U.S. infrastructure.
  • Norfolk Southern’s CEO, who made $40 million last year, shows up in East Palestine, Ohio, and offers each family $1,000 as compensation for their pain and suffering. But there’s a catch.
  • And the U.K.’s top banker predicts the soon arrival of a “super app” that would be carried on the phones of every individual and include all of their financial and health data. In short, a digital ID.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Conservative Firing Line reports that Joe Biden’s corrupt IRS is preparing a new “equity” doctrine that will redirect IRS policy towards more leniency on black taxpayers and will instead more heavily target white people for auditing.

The policy will be in keeping with the Biden administration’s new focus on woke “equity” policies that will weight all actions chiefly against white people and take all pressure for regulation and policing of policy against blacks.

According toAmerica First Legal, even though Congress has prohibited the IRS from categorizing taxpayers by race, the Biden administration is doing it anyway by using “racial equity” as a “key factor in the design of tax compliance” and illegally “examining the tax system through a racial equity lens.”

Biden has already issued a broad mandate to federal agencies to “prevent and remedy discrimination, including by protecting the public from algorithmic discrimination.” Therefore, the IRS is setting about the task of doing just what it isn’t supposed to do; it is applying racial criteria to tax collecting and auditing policy.

And with the hundreds of millions the Democrats gave the IRS to hire 87,000 new jackbooted IRS thugs, this will only grow.

America First Legal said it will continue to monitor the situation.

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel, issued a statement that read:

“The notion that race should play any role whatsoever in the IRS’s operations is absurd, offensive to the American ideal, and illegal. But the Biden Administration is so blinded by its relentless obsession with race that it is willing to make IRS enforcement decisions based on the race of American citizens. We will fight their attempts to erode equality under the law and expose their attempts to inject toxic ‘equity’-based policies throughout the federal government,” said Hamilton.


A fire involving uranium broke out Wednesday at the highly sensitive National Security Complex inOak Ridge, Tennessee, with all staff being evacuated from the site.

The National Nuclear Security Administration said there was an emergency response to the blaze on Wednesday morning at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge.

All 200 employees were accounted for, with other buildings next to the site being evacuated as a precaution.

An NNSA spokesperson confirmed to the Daily Mail that: “Emergency Services responded to the event. The site activated the Y-12 Emergency Response Organization and we've been in close contact with local and state officials.”

There are no reports of injury or contamination, the spokesperson said.

But they confirmed that they would assess employees, if needed, following the incident.

Building 9212 is listed on the Department of Energy website as a uranium processing building, constructed in 1945.

It serves “as one of the primary chemical processing and enriched uranium production facilities at Y-12.”

The Oak Ridge complex was home to the Manhattan Project for research and development during World War II, which produced the first nuclear weapons.


As compensation for all of the pain and suffering endured at the hands of Norfolk Southern, the railroad company’s CEO haspromised to payevery resident in the 44413 zip code of East Palestine, Ohio, $1,000.

Saying that he is “terribly sorry” about the train wreck, CEO Alan Shaw told reporters that it is actually a good thing the derailed cars carrying chemicals were intentionally blown up, poisoning the entire atmosphere and ground water in and around the village of East Palestine.

He stated to KWBN regarding the explosion:

“Frankly, that told us there was a success and that the opportunity for a much riskier event occurred because of what was in the rail cars.”

He further stated that:

“To this community, and I want to make sure you understand. I am terribly sorry that this happened to the community. Norfolk Southern is fully committed to doing what’s right for this community.”

But, to receive their $1,000 cash payouts, East Palestine residents will be required to sign away their rights to sue, as well as their rights to ask for any more money in the future, should they develop cancer.

Shaw, sounding a bit like a snake-oil salesman at a carnival, said, “All they have to do is sign their name and say they’ve received $1,000.”

So far, Shaw says he has no complaints about the cleanup process and the direction it has taken.

As to where all the contaminated soil and liquids collected are being taken, Shaw did not provide any details.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:04 of video)


One local resident responded to Shaw’s $1,000-per-person pledge by stating that this is not nearly enough money to compensate for the horrors he and his family are living through, stating:

“I’ve been coughing every day since the derailment. Take your thousand and shove it. I’m suing you!”


The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office is funding a London-based think tank called the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), whichcreates a blacklist of websitesit thinks advertisers should avoid because they are too conservative.

GDI states that its objective is to “disrupt their advertising-funded business models by encouraging brands, suppliers and ad tech vendors to blacklist them.”

The GDI is also funded by the US State Department.

Recently, the think tank published a list of 10 “least risky” and “riskiest” news websites in the U.S.

The New York Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, and the Associated Press, to no one’s surprise, headed up the list of least risky sites. Among the 10 riskiest websites were the New York Post, Newsmax, the American Spectator, and The Federalist.

GDI also wants anything that challenges the establishment narrative on vaccines and climate change to be blocked. For example, it is disinformation to describe the COVID-19 vaccines as “experimental.”

The GDI is on a mission to “defund online sources of disinformation.”

In other words, it is being funded by the governments of the U.S. and the U.K. to serve as an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.


A top banker in the United Kingdom, finance chair Bob Wigley, has predicted the development of a “super app” that combines a digital ID with health and financial data.

The app would store a person’s economic digital identity, including credit score ratings and the so-called know-your-customer data.

The economic digital IDcould be combined with the UK government’s NHS health app, which carries an individual’s health data. Launched in January 2019, the health app faced opposition before it gained popularity during the pandemic.

Wigley says the banking sector has taken note of the NHS health app and wants to launch a similar app for economic data.

Wigley said at the New Digital Assets and Money Symposium in London:

“This will be the year that we finally persuade the banking system that we need an economic digital identity system, just like the NHS app. This financial app will be personal and attached to each citizen as we need a wider, fully digital economic identity program.”

He further explained that:

“It would be something each person would carry with them and they could then connect it to any platform or financial institution that they operate with, such as banks and insurance firms.”

Wigley added if the government does not do it, Big Tech platforms will.


The Daily Mail reports that a former topBill Clintonadviser with ties to Jeffrey Epstein was found hanged from a tree with a gunshot wound to his chest, and the news of this grisly discovery was finally revealed this week, nine months after the man’s death.

The sheriff's report into Mark Middleton's mysterious death raises more questions than answers as the sheriff has ruled, you guessed it, that Middleton died by suicide – despite no sign of the weapon that killed him.

Middleton, 59, was found dead last May at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville,Arkansas, an hour west of Little Rock.

Release of the report was held up aftermembers of his family petitioned a judge. They were worried that pictures from the gory scene would be made public.

The judge eventually ruled that details could be released but photographs could not.

The report, written by Perry County Sheriff's Deputy Jeremy Lawson, says he was called to the ranch by worker Samantha McElroy who had found Middleton's abandoned black BMW SUV.

McElroy, 46, then walked around a cottage on the ranch.

“Almost immediately after stepping around the corner of the cottage she started yelling,” wrote Lawson.

“Upon reaching the back of the cottage she pointed towards the rear of the property and asked if that was a person.

“I could see what at first appeared to be a man sitting near a tree, as my eyes focused better, I could see a rope of some type going from the tree limb to the male.”

Lawson said it was clear that Middleton was dead.

“I could see that he had a gunshot wound to the chest and that he had a knot tied in an extension cord that was around his neck and it was attached to the limb directly above him.”

The deputy said a search of Middleton’s vehicle turned up three boxes of buckshot and a gun case – but no weapon.

There’s still no explanation as to how a married father of two, who lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, shot himself at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, 30 miles away from his home with a weapon that was nowhere to be found.

Middleton was a special advisor to Bill Clinton in the 1990s and signed Jeffrey Epstein into the White House on seven of the 17 times the late pedophile visited.

Middleton also flew on Epstein's jet, nicknamed the Lolita Express. More recently he had been working for his family's HVAC business in Little Rock.


Martin Armstrong, a noted expert on financial and geopolitical cycles, said at the end of last year the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.

Train derailments, spy balloons and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest threat is war.

Armstrong explains to Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog podcast, “They want a war, but they also need it because the monetary system is collapsing. You have had interest rates at negative since 2014. So, suddenly interest rates are rising.Any bond owned by any institution in Europe is a loser.They have lost so much money, it’s incredible.”

What happens in an environment like this?

He says nobody is interested in long-term debt. If you have interest rates rising, and rates are going to be going up because the Fed cannot stop this kind of inflation, then you’ve got war.

He further explained that, “You have untold billions of dollars being shipped into Ukraine which is absurd. This is what you have. You also have to look at what Janet Yellen said, and she was concerned with the tons of new debt coming out.You are exceeding the balance sheets of the Primary Dealers. To be a Primary dealer you have to be able to guarantee you will be able to buy X amount of debt. If you can’t sell it, what happens?The bank is stuck with the debt, and then, they go bust. So, we have a real problem here.They cannot continue to issue this kind of debt in perpetuity.They have been borrowing money since WWII with no intention of paying anything off. The Fed is independent, and they don’t want the long-term debt.They have been moving towards the short end of the curve.How do you continue to fund a government if there are no buyers for the debt?This is on a global scale.”

War checks all the boxes, Armstrong says. But not just any war. This is a climate change war.

Take a look.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 11:45 mark to 13:32 mark)


Interesting perspective from a man who’s been studying geopolitics for 40 years.


The latest data from the National Association of Realtors shows home sales falling for the 12th consecutive month.

The association’s survey, published on Tuesday,showed that home sales in January were down36.9 percent to 4 million- down from 6.34 million in January 2022.

Lawrence Yun, NAR Chief Economist, said homes sales are “bottoming out.”

He added that: “Prices vary depending on a market's affordability, with lower-priced regions witnessing modest growth and more expensive regions experiencing declines.”

The decline was nationwide, but most pronounced in the West, where sales were down 42 percent year-over-year.The median price in the West is the most expensive in the country at $525,200 - down 4.6 percent from January 2022.


Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has called on the United States to issue a credible military threat against Iran, after International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors found uranium enriched to near weapons-grade inside the Islamic Republic.

Speaking at an event in Jerusalem hosted by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, Cohen said:

“Iran is very close to 90% enrichment of uranium. The United States must put a credible military threat on the table immediately.”

Cohen also slammed Iran for being the world’s “number one” financier of global terrorism.

The IAEAsaid on Mondayit was in talks with Tehran after inspectors detected uranium enriched to 84%.

Bloombergreported on Sunday, citing two senior diplomats, that the IAEA was trying to clarify how Tehran accumulated the material, which is at the highest level of enrichment found by monitors in the country to date.

Iran has been enriching uranium to up to 60% since April 2021. Three months ago, it started enriching to 60% at a second site.

The change was discovered during an unannounced inspection on January 21st at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant, a location built into a mountain where inspectors are beefing up checks after Iran said it would drastically increase enrichment.

A diplomat cited in aReutersreport implied that the 84% enriched uranium was found at the same site as the reconfigured cascades, or clusters, of centrifuges.

The spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization described the accusation as “slanderous.”

Prior to his visit to Israel earlier this month, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that while Washington prefers a diplomatic path forward with Iran, all options remain on the table.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The member states of the World Health Organization will next week negotiate the “zero draft” of an international “pandemic accord” that would highlight “global coordination” and “equity” and give the WHO’s unelected global bureaucrats broad authority to dictate the health policies of its 194 member states, including the U.S., the U.K., and Canada.

In fact, it is the U.S. and its allies who are pushing for this accord, which critics have called a sell-out of national sovereignty.

The move will follow this week’s discussions on amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, or IHRs. Critics of the amendments proposed in recent months haveraised serious concernsabout protecting the sovereignty of member nations amid more globalized public health controls.

On Tuesday,The Epoch Timesreportedthat the initial draft of the pandemic accord came after discussions between U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros to “maximize the longstanding U.S.–WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.”

If these changes are approved, the WHO would be able to declare when a “public health emergency” exists and how to respond. That would mean Americans being dictated to with regard to lockdowns, mandated mask wearing and vaccinations.

The matter will be up for a vote of the member states at the World Health Assembly slated for the last week of May in Geneva. A similar set of sovereignty-destroying declarations was put forth at last year’s assembly, only to be voted down by Russia and a group of African nations.

The Biden administration must be stopped in this traitorous endeavor. Because it’s not deemed a “treaty,” the Biden regime believes it can approve these changes unilaterally, without any input from Congress. It’s time Republicans in Congress start to speak up against this globalist power play, which would provide a back door to world government.

That wraps up this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting us as we continue to provide news and analysis you just won’t find anywhere else in a half-hour format on TV.

Until next time, may God save America. I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.

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U.K. Is Blacklisting Websites They Find Too "Conservatives" (2024)


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