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Twillingate Sun
January - February
Jan 2, 1892 | ||
DeathDeath of one of the ""Sun"" staff - Of late the hand of that mysterious visitor - Death - has been busy in our community, and the young as well as the aged have been compelled to succumb to his all conquering grasp. Amongst others our obituary column to-day contains the name of John PRESTON, who had been ailing for several months and who entered peacefully into rest shortly after one o'clock, P.M. on Wednesday last. He was a son of the late Mr. Joseph PRESTON, and leaves a widowed mother to mourn the loss of a dutiful child. John was one of the ""Sun"" staff and had been working at the printing business a little over four years, displaying remarkable aptitude and smartness in acquiring a knowledge of the art. Last winter when the measles were so prevalent in the community he too, was one of the victims of the disease, from which he never entirely recovered. Previous to that he was apparently in good health, though the unusual growth of one of his age (being only in his eighteenth year) was sufficient to arouse suspicion that the germs of consumption were dormant, and it was found that when attacked with measles the constitution was not able to endure the disease which culminated in consumption and finally death. During the summer he partially recovered, though all the time he had a most distressing cough, and although every remedy procurable was obtained the disease baffled all attempts to check its arrest. He went to Fogo and spent several weeks with his grandfather, S. BAIRD, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of that place, hoping the change would result favorably, but returned very little improved. He was naturally of a lively disposition and maintained good spirits to the last, and was not confined to bed more than a week before his death. The deceased was a general favourite in the neighbourhood where he resided, and during his illness he had many kind friends who did everything in their power with the hope of prolonging his existence, but God's will decreed otherwise, and just as he was emerging into manhood, and able to earn for himself and those dependent upon him, the lamp of life was extinguished. To the widowed and sorrowing mother and relatives we tender our heartfelt sympathy.Fifty Years AgoWe are reminded by an old resident that yesterday fifty years ago (1842) was a most memorable New Year's day. The morning was fine but as the day advanced a tremendous snow storm came on and it was so bad that men belonging to Wild Cove, who were in the harbor attending Divine service, were unable to return home that day. A craft called the Petrol, belonging to Messrs. Slade & Cox, then conducting a mercantile business here, left Fogo that morning for Twillingate, and was lost with all hands. The master's name was Samson RUSSELL, an Englishman.LiquorThe past week or fortnight there appeared to have been a good deal of liquor sold in the community, and it is evident that there is a laxness both on the part of the authorities and of temperance workers in keeping a vigilant look out against the infringement of the Local Option Act which has been in force here so long and with beneficial results.RefitWhile the Curlew was in St. John's this last trip she had undergone a real transformation in the passenger accommodation and is now fitted up on the same principal as the Conscript. The saloon is made in the fore part of the ship and provides accommodation for twenty-eight or thirty passengers. It is not quite completed yet, as time would not admit of doing so, although while the work was going on there were some one hundred laborers employed about the ship. The steerage will accommodate thirty-five or forty, and looks as though it will be preferable even to that of the Conscript. The alterations will be a capital improvement to the steamer and will make her a better passenger boat than she originally was. Two steamers a little larger, but equipped for passengers in the same style, running weekly, would answer the Northern coastal service much better than a larger one fortnightly, and this is what we have always advocated.Advertisem*ntCulled from the old year - Lewis S. BUTLER, Burin, Nfld. Rheumatism; Thos. WASSON, Sheffield, N.B. Lockjaw; By. MCMULLIN, Chatham, Ont. Goitre; Mrs. W.W. JOHNSON, Walsh, Ont. Inflammation; James H. BAILEY, Parkdale, Ont. Neuralgia, C.I. LAGUE, Sydney, C.B. La Grippe. In every case unsolicited and authenticated. They attest to the merits of MINARD's LINIMENT.MailMails per Curlew for South close at 9 o'clock to-night.Methodist NewsWatch-night services were held in the Methodist churches New-year's eve, commencing at eleven o'clock. The Rev. J. Hill preached on the South Side and Rev. J.K. Kelly on the North Side.FuneralMembers of ""North Star"" Division, Sons of Temperance are requested by order of the W.P., to meet at the Hall at 2 o'clock to-day, preparatory to attending the funeral of their late brother, member John PRESTON.DeathGeorge BISHOP, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate of Burin, died suddenly of heart disease on December 23rd. He was a prominent resident and will be greatly missed in the community where he resided.Body RecoveredThe body of Reuben ELLIOTT, (who was drowned with John BROWN while returning from Friday's Bay on the 28th of November) was recovered on Saturday morning last near Christopher's Island, off Manuel's Cove, in about seven fathoms of water. The night previous a couple of persons belonging to Manuel's Cove imagined they saw a light near this island, and two men on going there the next morning, where the light had been seen the night before, looked overboard and saw the body of a man on the bottom, which, when taken up, proved to be that of poor Elliott, his face being much disfigured. It was shortly afterwards conveyed to the house of his sorrowing friends, and was interred in Heart's Cove Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon last.MarriedOn the 11th ult., at St. James Apostle Martyr, Change Island, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, INCUMBENT, Solomon OAK to Jessie third daughter ? Justynial DOWELL, J.P.MarriedAt Herring Neck on the 23rd of October by the Rev. Charles LENCH, William GRIMES of Purcill's Harbor, to Lucy Jane WHITE of Herring Neck.MarriedAt Change Islands on the 24th October, by the same Thomas TORAVILLE, to Sarah CAVE, both of Change Islands.MarriedAt the same place, on the 28th October, by the same, Arthur S. KING of Red Rod Cove, to Ellen COLES of Hare Bay.MarriedAt Herring Neck on the 7th Nov., by the same, Esau FARTHING to Anne TUFFIN, both of the same place.MarriedAt the same place, on the 10th Nov., by the same, John TUFFIN, to Louisa ALLEN, both of the same place.MarriedAt Change Islands, on the 11th Nov., by the same, Thomas SCEVYEN of Trinity to Rosanna DIAMOND of Change Islands.MarriedAt Beaver Cove on the 19th Nov. By the same, Bethlem BARRETT of Beaver Cove, to Rebecca J. HODDER, of Dog Bay.MarriedAt the same place, on the same day, by same, Jonathan Elliott of Change Islands, to Mrs. HARDING of Musgrave Harbor.MarriedAt Herring Neck, on the 9th ult., by the same, Peter BLANDFORD, to Cinderella RICE, both of the same place.DiedOn Wednesday last, deeply lamented by a widowed mother and a large circle of friends, John, son of the late Mr. Joseph PRESTON, aged 17 years and 9 months.DiedAt Back Harbor, on the 25th December, after a tedious illness, Mr. Philip WELLS, aged 70 years.DiedAt Davis Cove, on the 28th December after a lingering illness, Mr. Thomas RIDEOUT, aged 59 years.DiedYesterday morning of diphtheria, Stanley, aged 4 years, and this morning, Charles, aged 6 years, children of John and Louisa LUNNEN.DiedAt Burnt Cove, Friday's Bay, on Tuesday morning last, Ann, wife of Mr. Thomas BURT, aged 40 years.DiedOn the 14th November at Gander Bay, Mr. John BURSEY, an old and respected settler, aged 65 years.DiedOn the 11th ult. at Clarke's Cove, Herring Neck, Lily STUCKEY, aged 2 years.New Bay NewsRoad money well expended - A New Bay correspondent writing under a recent date says: - ""There has been good work done on our local roads this fall and a lot of it too, and on the line road leading to Fortune Harbor. The connection between Fortune Harbor and New Bay is now complete so that there is a road all the way which is a grand thing. If the government could give a special grant of $40 or $50 towards the road leading from Cottle's Cove to South East Arm for two or three years in succession any one would soon be able to walk there comfortably. As it is, the board is doing good work with what is allowed. On Saturday night, Rev. Mr. FRASER called the men together to consult about building a school house on South East Arm neck. They came together, formed a committee, a site was procured and the frame and some lumber promised there and then. A box of glass and 3 bags of nails were collected by Mr. Adolphus YATES while at St. John's from some of his generous hearted friends of that place. I doubt not but they will get it all framed up the winter. Two of our neighbours still keep dogs here to the almost continual annoyance of the public and yet is allowed in face of law. The law seems a farce in this respect."""Leopard's New Captain"""Captain Robert FOWLOW, of Trinity, will be given command of the steamer Leopard to the ice this spring. He will sail her out of Greenspond or Pool's Island. Captain FOWLOW is a brother of the late Captain Patrick FOWLOW, of the ill-fated Lion, and is a worthy representative of his name. For many years he has been captain of a Labrador schooner, and as a fish-killer he has few compeers in Trinity district. He possesses the daring of his race, and is as fine a man as could be chosen to command the Leopard. It is a pity, however, that he does not sail out of Trinity instead of Greenspond. - Colonist.Advertisem*ntOur dear little daughter was terribly sick, Her bowels were bloated as hard as a brick, We feared she would die, Till we happened to try Pierce's Pellets - they cured her, remarkably quick. Never be without Pierce's Pellets in the house. They are gentle and effective in action and give immediate relief in cases of indigestion, billousness and constipation. They do their work thoroughly and leave no bad effects. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One a dose. Best Liver Pill made.St. Peter's School (Part 1)Several years ago, an attempt was made by the Church of England Board of Education (with the advice of other prominent Churchmen of Twillingate) to establish a somewhat better class of school than the Elementary ones. And, at considerable trouble and expense, a Master was procured from one of the English Missionary Colleges. But not proving to be ""the right man in the right place"" the scheme failed after a short trial. Since then, by an Act of the Legislature, it has become possible to establish schools of this class, by securing Teachers holding First Grade certificates, and slightly raising the school fees. On these terms the Board have secured the valuable aid of Mr. Samuel THOMPSON, under whose efficient management it is hoped that St. Peter's School may eventually become all that it was intended originally to be. Mr. THOMPSON has already been with us one quarter. At the Chairman's request, he took the school as he found it, working on Elementary lines, and with Elementary fees for, the first term, that he might the better judge how to arrange his work at the New Year. The following is his report for the quarter, ending Dec 24th: - "" I opened school on the 5th October 1891 with only 32 children present, but others soon came in and at the present time I have 49 registered; 29 boys and 20 girls. I find the pupils quiet, orderly, attentive, industrious, and for the most part ready and willing learners; at play I find them kind and courteous to one another, and one does not see among them the fighting and brawling so characteristic in some play grounds during recess time. The work of the school has been considerably hampered during the quarter owing to the appearance in our midst of that dread and terrible disease, Diphtheria. Seven pupils of mine have been attacked by it, and as soon as it made its appearance, parents naturally kept their children at home, and consequently the school suffered. I have at present 12 pupils reading in Standard V, 9 in Standard IV, and a proportional number in Standards III, II, and I; 45 of my pupils are working Arithmetic, 33 writing in Copy Books, 34 Composition, 21 English and Newfoundland History, 25 Geography, 19 Grammar and 12 Algebra. Miss Eleanor PEYTON and Miss GEORGINA MAIDMENT, are also attending as pupil teachers, the former working for II Grade and the latter for III Grade.St. Peter's School (Part 2)I have endeavoured to make the studies agreeable and pleasant; presenting pictures and scenes where possible. I do this acting on the principle that no work can become interesting when enforced through fear; it cannot become so to man how much less to a young child. I hold monthly competitive examinations which comprise not only the work of the month but that of previous months as well. The issue of last month's review was as follows: 1st Class Boys - Frank DOVE (General Proficiency), Edgar PEYTON (Neatness), George Wells (Reading). Girl - Sarah PATTEN (General Proficiency). 2nd Class Boys - Chesley FORD (General Proficiency), Willie MANEUL (Neatness). Girls - Lauretta BLACKMORE (General Proficiency); Bell LINFIELD (Reading & Recitation)." It is evident that Mr. THOMPSON both understands his work, and intends to do it. And it will be a pity if in such a town as Twillingate, we cannot succeed in obtaining at least sufficient pupils of the upper and middle classes to raise the Standard of Education above the usual Elementary three R's. This school ought to be an excellent opportunity for parents whose children require preparation for the St. John's Academy or English schools; or for those older boys and girls whose time is limited, and who can study only in winter, or those preparing for Grade. Of course there will still remain the usual Elementary Division; this will be in charge of an Assistant, as soon as needed. High school fees (per quarter) beginning from the New Year, will be Standard III and IV - fifty cents; Standard V and VI, one dollar or (with Navigation) one and a half dollars. But the Master will make his own terms with younger children (under Standard III) whose parents wish them to be of the High School, and all children (of the Elementary side) beyond Standard IV, will require special permission to remain on that side of the school. Special arrangements will also be made as to members of the St. Peter's Choir, who give their services regularly. School will reopen on Monday January 11th.Mining newsWe learn that the new finds of copper in South West Arm and Lady Pond are still showing well.Mining newsA correspondent writing under date of Jan 2nd, says that vessels are running ore from Tilt Cove to Little Bay, thus giving work to men who would otherwise be idle.SteamerA coastal steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, is reported to leave St. John's for Northern ports of call at 10:30 on Tuesday morning next. Leaving here she will go direct to Tilt Cove, calling at the usual ports in this district on her return, if not prevented by ice.MailDuring the year 1891 over 12,000 letters were posted in the Twillingate post office, more than 500 of them being registered. This number does not include those that go there from the Arm way office, and besides these hundreds of others pass through the office.United Fishermen SocietyThe following are the officers elected for the year 1892, of the United Fishermen Society, No. 12: Look Out - Bro. Robert JANES; W. Master - Bro. John PURCHASE; Chief Officer - Bro. Elias BLACKLER; Second Officer - Bro. Wm HITCHco*ck; Quarter Master - Bro. Fredrick NEWMAN; Purser - Bro. T. YOUNG (re-elected); Secretary - Bro. J. LUNNEN (Re-elected); Chaplain - Bro. Rev. R. TEMPLE (re-elected)"Little Bay NewsFrom Little Bay we are informed by a private writer, that the Masons had a grand time there on Tuesday night, (Dec 29th) in honor of St. John's day. There was a splendid spread, and toasts, music, songs, &c., comprised the evening enjoyment. A large quantity of nice things being left, it was decided to give the Masons children a treat. Our friend adds: I wish you were here with us to see how all enjoyed themselves in both the entertainments. W.M. ROLLINGS acquitted himself in a most masterly manner.SteamerThe steamer Curlew, Capt. TAYLOR, called here on Wednesday afternoon returning to St. John's having been detained North longer than usual in consequence of the dense fog which prevailed for four or five days. The Curlew could not reach Griquet owing to a heavy jam of ice which was met about four miles from that place, and although attempts were made to steam ahead it was found impossible to do so and the steamer had to return without reaching her terminus. After the usual detention the Curlew went Southward, the following passengers embarking here for St. John's, Miss Lizzie TOBIN, Miss Minnie TOBIN and Mrs. TEMPLETON.Little Bay NewsApropos of the festive season: The friends of the Methodist Church welcomed the public of Little Bay to a tea and entertainment in the public hall on Wednesday, 30th ult. Charming weather - just frosty enough to add a sparkle to the star's eyes - seconded the invitation of the hand-bills, and the hall was fairly well filled. After the delicacies of the luxurious eatables had been discussed, the social reunion was continued by a musical and literary programme. The accompaniments were played by Miss QUINBY, Mrs. LUMSDEN and Mr. Alex WHYTE and the renditions were as follows: 1. Overture pianaforte, ""Kuhe, "" Mrs. LUMSDEN; 2. Opening Chorus, ""Simplican"" - Choir; 3. Duet ""List to the convent, bells"" - Misses ROLLINS and TILLEY 4. Recitation ""In the mining Town"" - Miss Mabel PARSONS; 5. Duet ""In the Starlight"" - Mrs. MOORES and Miss TILLEY; 6. Solo ""My Nannie's Awa"" - Mrs. WALLACE; 7. Duet and Chorus, ""Silver Chimes"", Misses THOMSON and ROLLINS with choir; 8. Dialogue ""Have you heard the news?""; 9) Solo and Chorus "" Sweet Chiming Bells"" - Mrs. GARLAND and choir; 10. Solo ""The Fisherman and his child"" - Mr. LANGMEAD; 11. Recitation ""Little Sue"" - Miss Annie PARSONS. 12. Solo - ""Wellcotide a wee"" - Mrs. LUMSDEN; 13. Chorus "" Beautiful Songs of the Spring"" - Choir; 14. Solo ""Comrades"", Mr. LANGMEAD; 15. Dialogues, ""Who on Airth is he?"" ; 16. Solo - ""Killarney"", Mrs. LUMSDEN; 17. Chorus ""Forest Echoes"", Choir; God Save the Queen.PoemThey are coming, they are coming; Hear the tread of many feet, Sounding through the past and present, How our joyful ears they greet, See our youth, in youth's bright glory, Stand in strength so grand and free, And we bow our hearts in honour, Of the world that is to be. They are coming, they are coming; Sing aloud the joyful strain, Champions for the cause of freedom, Soon will end the tyrant's reign, Then will rise - no longer grovelling - From the depths in which they lie, Gaining higher elevations, At their stirring battle cry. They are coming, they are coming; Life and light is in their train, Coming to avenge their fathers, And their manhood's rights to claim, Roll away the clouds of error; Breaks the darkening veil at last, And reveals a glorious future, That eclipses all the past. Clara W. STRONG, Pilley's Island, Nov 17, 1891" |
Jan 9, 1892 | ||
BirthAt the Methodist Parsonage Wesleyville, on the 19th Dec., the wife of Rev. William HARRIS of a daughter.MarriedOn New Years Eve, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D., John ROBERTS, son of Mr. John ROBERTS, of Wild Cove, to Miss Aqmelia BULGIN of Farmers Arm.MarriedOn St. Stephen Day (Dec. 26) at the residence of Mr. Henry HAWKINS, by the Rev. J. HILL, Mr. Josiah HAWKINS of Jenkins Cove, To Miss Emma PARDY of Little Harbor.MarriedOn New Year's Day, at the Parsonage, by the same, Mr. William ADAMS to Miss Fanny WELLS, both of North Side.MarriedOn the same date and place, and by the same, Mr. Jabez ROBERTS of Bluff Head Cove, to Miss Emily GEDGE of Durrell's Arm.MarriedOn the 5th inst., at the same place and by the same, Mr. William SNOW of Durrell's Arm, to Miss Naomi ROBERTS of Bluff Head Cove.MarriedOn the 6th inst., at the same place, and by the same, Mr. Thomas EARLE of Durrell's Arm, to Miss Eveline SPENCER of Back Harbor"MarriedOn the same date and by the same, Mr. John HAWKINS to Miss Matilda BURTON, both of Durrell's Arm.MarriedIn the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., Nov. 30th, 1891, by the Rev. A.E. REYNOLDS, Mr. Granville HOLDEN to Miss Clara M.L. HOWSON, the fourth daughter of Mr. J.B. HOWSON, a gentleman well known both on the West Shore and Green Bay.DiedAt St. John's on Monday last, Cornelia, beloved wife of Mr. George SAMWAYS, and third daughter of the late W.T. SALTER, aged 26 years. |
Jan 16, 1892 | ||
MatrimonialOn Thursday evening last Mr. W.H. LETHBRIDGE was united in holy wedlock to Miss Lily SCOTT, third daughter of Dr. SCOTT. The marriage ceremony was performed in St. Peter's Church by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. Besides the bride and bridegroom, the bridal party consisted of Miss Scott (sister of the bride, Mr. W. WATERMAN and Mr. OWEN, who acted as fathergiver in the absence of the bride's father from town. The wedding party was entertained during the evening at the residence of the bride's father, where an enjoyable time was spent. A few months ago, Mr. LETHBRIDGE succeeded his father ( W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., who has since retired to England) in the Agency of E. Duder's extensive branch trade here, and is much devoted to the responsible position which, at so early an age, it is his lot to fill. In offering congratulations, the Sun wishes the young married couple many years of health and prosperity.Herring NeckA tea party and social entertainment was provided for the members of the St. Mary's choir and Sunday school, Herring Neck, on the evening of the 6th inst., in the school house of that settlement. We are sorry to add, that the lawless and disorderly conduct of some young men from outside, who forced an entrance into the house, necessitated the breaking of the party almost before the amusem*nt had commenced. We are thankful to record the fact, that our worthy Magistrate has since administered a little counsel and advice to the disorderly ones which they will probably remember for a while.Fogo newsThere are a few cases of diphtheria at Change Islands. All sincerely hope another steamer will come North as there is no ice. Eli READE who was lost at Barr'd Island, was found accidentally by two boys in a small shallow pond near the salt water, on January 1st. After fighting a hard battle with the storm the poor fellow got out within 300 yards of the house and perished. He was buried by Rev. H. ABRAHAM and was followed to the grave by a large company of people.BirthOn the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. George ROBERTS, of a son.BirthOn the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. George FURNEAUX of a son.MarriedOn January 13th, at St. Peters Church, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D, W.H. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., Agent for Twillingate, branch firm of E. Duder, Esq., to Eliza Scoville (Lily) daughter of Thaddeous SCOTT, Esq., M.D.MarriedOn the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. HILL, Mr. Eli STUCKLESS of Kettle Cove, to Fanny REENS of Wards Harbor.MarriedAt Fogo, on December 28th by Rev. Henry ABRAHAM, Mr. Howard CROWELL of Shelbourne, N.S., to Selina LOCKE of Tizzard's Harbor.MarriedAt the same place, On December 22nd, by the same, Mr. Walter S. GINN to Emily BOWNS.DiedOn the 1st inst., of acute bronchitis at Too Good Arm, Herring Neck, John GILLETT, aged 62 years.SchoonerThe schooner Stanley, went to Pearce's harbor on Tuesday morning, where she will lay up until the time comes for prosecuting the seal fishery.MailThe first overland mail for the South will close at the Post Office here on Tuesday evening next, 9 o'clock. Mails for the North will leave St. John's on the morning of the same day.WeatherFor the last two or three weeks the weather has been beautiful and moderate for the season of the year, but a very tedious time for any craft trying to get South. The Endurance, Samuel WELLS, master, which left here on the 26th ult., for St. Johns and the Fawn, Albert SPENCER, master which left Fogo about the same date, were only as far as Greenspond two or three days ago. The prevailing winds during the time have been mostly South and South West, and very light.SteamerThe coastal steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, with mails and passengers, arrived in port yesterday morning. She brought a considerable quantity of freight for here, which she was over three hours landing, after which she left for Tilt Cove. Owing to the report brought for the Curlew last trip of ice being North, it was decided before leaving St. John's, that the Conscript should go direct from here to Tilt Cove and call at the intermediate ports returning so as to make sure of reaching the more extern parts in case the ice should come along. The Conscript is expected here on her way South tomorrow evening.Northern Mail ServiceMails will be dispatched from this Office overland to all places between St. John's and Western Cove, White Bay, on Tuesday, 19th January, Tuesday 2nd and 10th Feb'y, Tuesday 1st, 15th and 29th Mar, Tuesday 12th and 26th April. Closing at 8 o'clock sharp on the morning of despatch. Correspondence not posted at that hour will remain in Office until mail a fortnight later. Books, parcels or newspapers of over 4 ounces or any other heavy mail matter will not be forwarded. J. O. Frazer, Postmaster General, General Post Office, St. John's, Jan 9th 1892.Labrador Winter ServiceThree mails containing letters only will be despatched from this Office via Halifax and Quebec, on or about 16th day of December, 1891, 13th January and 5th February, 1892, for all places in Straits of Belle Isle to Battle Harbor and thence to Cartwright and Rigolet; and three mails will be despatched from Blanc Sablon for Newfoundland, on 24th December, 1891, 26th February and 10th March, 1892. J.O. FRASER, P.M.G. General Post Office, St. John's, 16 Nov., 1891.Post Office NoticeThe Post Office Act 1891, Section 172 prescribes that the Postmaster General may, subject to the provisions of this act, and the approval of the Governor in Council, prescribe and enforce such regulations as to him seem necessary in respect to the registration, by the Officers of the Post Office of letters unquestionably containing money, or other valuable enclosure, when posted without registration fee upon such letters Section 20 of the act referred to, also prescribes that: ""All letters containing gold, silver or other money; or jewels or precious articles, transmitted by post within the Colony, must be registered by the sender, otherwise double registration fee will be taxed upon delivery to the receiver." Under the authority of the Post Office Act referred to, the Postmaster General hereby directs all Postmasters, mail clerks, carriers or other Postal officials, to see that every letter which is supposed to contain any of the above mentioned articles, especially paper money, such as Bank notes, cheques, etc, be duly registered and the word ""Property"" written thereon and that all letters or packets thus registered by the Post Office officials, the registration fee on which has not been prepaid by the sender shall be taxed double registration fee to be paid by the addressee. J.O. FRASER, P.M.G., General Post Office, St. John's, December 12, 1891. |
Jan 23, 1892 | ||
Leaves From my Diary (Part 1)By T.D. SCANLAN - Some two hundred years ago Twillingate was first settled by four Englishmen - MOORE at Back Harbor; SMITH at the Point, YOUNG at South Side, and BATH at Jenkins Cove. Their social visits were few and far between, not oftener than three or four times a year, and never without their guns. The woods, which covered the island, was infested with thieving Indians, constantly on the watch, in the neighbourhood of the settlers' tilts, seeking what they could carry off. MOORE, of Back Harbor, usually carried a gun in each hand when crossing to the South Side, and frequently had occasion to use them, to the terror of the red men. They dreaded the white man's thunder, and were known to have remarked that, whilst they could kill but one man at a time, the white man frequently brought down two and sometimes three at one shot. BATH, at Jenkin's Cove, when an old man (and long after the red men had ceased from troubling) in recounting the exploits of his youth, could never be got to acknowledge to the actual killing of an Indian, but trimmed very closely at times. Lying in his bunk one night, enjoying a soothing pipe, he heard a slight noise outside, close to his head, as of some one picking out the moss with which the tilt was stogged, to get a view of the interior. He scented Injuns - and quietly seizing his seven-foot Poole, charged with twelve fingers, softly open the door, crept round to the rear; and fired. Even garrulous old age could not get him beyond that.Leaves From my Diary (Part 2)The result of that reconnaissance was never known. Mr. Peter PICKETT, the oldest inhabitant of Fogo, tells me that he often, when a boy, heard the old folks talk of a peculiarity of the red men in quenching their fires, and that in his opinion, a good thing to know was never discovered. It seems that no matter how suddenly an encampment was met with, the fire would instantly be put out, and nothing be seen but the steam from the hot embers. They were never surprised and left a fire burning behind them. An old fisherman, named PILLEY, who came from Dorset to Slade & Co., some seventy years ago, says that he often saw the red Indians running along the strand of the Exploits as he sailed up the river in quest of wood. They always ran from the white man - apropos of Slade's. The founder of the House was ""old Capt. Tommy"", a might fisherman and a bachelor. His dress comprised a swanskin pants and blouse protected when ""on the ground"" by a leathern barvel - Cape Ann's and rubber coats not then being invented. His habits were as simple as his dress, and his frugality surpassed both. An apprentice boy was his chief and sole companion. The domestic duties were of painful sameness. First thing after breakfast was ""out dog-irons"" to cool before the door; they were never allowed to remain in the fire after a meal and thus waste uselessly away. Same operation after dinner and supper. Any stray crumbs left on the table by the boy afforded a theme for a lecture, during the delivery of which the old fellow would carefully lift the crumbs to his mouth with the tips of his moistened fingers, admonishing the boy to do likewise and waste nothing.New Organ at ExploitsOn Wednesday and Thursday, 9th and 10th days of Dec., 1891, a Xmas Tree and Sale of Work was held in the Church of England schoolroom Exploits, in aid of a fund to purchase an organ for the church at Exploits. The room was decorated with wreaths and flags , and when lighted up, looked exceedingly pretty. The Xmas Tree was in charge of the Rev. P.G. SNOW, and Miss Janet MANUEL; Work table: Mrs. P.G. SNOW, Mrs. PARNELL, Miss A. PEARCE, Tea Table: Mrs. Wm. SCEVIOUR, Mrs. Geo. FOOTE, Mrs. Geo. SCEVIOUR. Refreshment Table: Misses A. WINSOR, May HOLDEN, Louise WINSOR. The proceeds amounted to 1st night - $33.08; 2nd night - $19.34; Total - $52.42. Subscriptions - Collected by Mrs. P. G. SNOW; Thos. A. WINSOR, Esq., - $5; Mr. Wm. WINSOR - $5; Miss HOLDEN - $1; Josiah MANUEL, Esq. - $1; Mrs. HUNES - $1; Mrs. PEARCE - $1; Miss WELLS - $1; Miss BURSELL (Bay Roberts) - $1; Mr. Bert MANUEL - $1; Mrs. Geo SCEVIOUR - $1; Mrs. Wm. LILLY - $1; Mr. Wm. LILLY, Jr. - $1; Mrs. GILLETT - 86 cents; Mrs. Matt ARNOLD - 80 cents; Mrs. Geo. FOOTE - 50 cents; Mrs. Geo. MANUEL - 20 cents; Mrs. Thos. JACOBS - 20 cents. Collected by Mrs. PARNELL - $.2.75; Mrs. Giles FOOTE, (Little Bay); Dr. Joseph - $1.50; Rev. PITTMAN - 80 cents; Mrs. Giles FOOTE & Sons - $2.20; Miss WINSOR - $2; Miss Louise WINSOR - $2; Mrs. Capt. J. WINSOR - $1. Total amount of subscriptions - $34.50, Proceeds entertainment Feb. '91- $8.00; Xmas Tree and Sale of Work - $52.42; Total amount - $95.17. A $95 Mason & Hamlin Organ was purchased from the Hon. H.J.B. WOODS, for the sum of $85. The organ arrived per SS Curlew, on Dec. 30th, and both clergyman and congregation were delighted to hear its sweet tones in our little church on New Year's Day, 1892. We take this opportunity to thank the many friends who assisted us in our good work, and to wish them a very happy and prosperous New Year! Exploits, Jan. 16, 1892.Coastal SteamerThe coastal steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, made her last trip, for the season, the past week, arriving here on her way South on Monday morning. There were about 20 passengers on board, among the number we noticed F.R. BURGESS, Esq., M.H.A., who had been visiting his constituents at Little Bay. After remaining here about an hour she left for her Southern ports of call. The following passengers embarked here: W. WATERMAN, Esq., J.P. THOMPSON, Esq., M.H.A., Mrs. THOMPSON and two children.DiedAt Little Bay Islands, George OXFORD, a native of England, aged 86 years.DiedAt the Lunatic Asylum, St. John's on the 15th inst., James MAY an old and respected inhabitant of this town, aged 78 years.MarriedOn Wednesday, the 6th of January, the wedding of Mr. Jabez MANUEL and Miss WINSOR took place in the Church of All Saints, Exploits, at 5:30 p.m. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. P.G. SNOW, Incumbent. The church with its Xmas decorations of evergreen, berries, ferns, etc., looked exceedingly pretty and 5:15 p.m. was filled by a large congregation, assembled to witness the ceremony. Just before the time appointed, the bridegroom, and his best man, Mr. Wm. WINSOR, arrived at the church. Shortly afterwards the bride, leaning on her father's arm, entered, attended by her bridesmaids Miss Louise WINSOR, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Georgie MANUEL, sister of the bridegroom. The bride was attired in a grey silk, and looked charming. The service was commenced by singing Hymn 351 (A. & M.). After the ceremony, and while retiring from the church, the Wedding March was played by Miss Amelia WINSOR. The bridal party then returned to the residence of Thos. A. WINSOR, Esq., the father of the bride, where a bountiful repast had been prepared and a number of guests were entertained at the residence of Josiah MANUEL, Esq., father of the bridegroom. May the young couple have many prosperous and happy years together.Fish newsFresh herring have been plentiful in Friday's Bay of late, and a good many have been caught by those who had nets in the water.Public NoticeA public notice from J.W. OWEN, Esq., J.P., which appears in another column, intimates that the revision of the list of Grand and Petty Jurors will be held in the Court House on the 26th inst., and shall continue from that time until the 9th day of February next.MailThe steamer D.P. Ingraham, Capt. CROSS, left St. John's on Wednesday morning with mails for the North, arriving at Seldom-Come-By at 2 p.m. yesterday. Owing to the prevalence of ice, we understand the mails were landed there, and she returns South to-day.Local WritersThe 1st Christmas Number of the Evening Telegram contained many excellently written articles from local writers, and to-day we transcribe to our columns one on ""Leaves from my Diary"" by T.D. SCANLAN, Esq., of the Anglo-American Telegraph Co., having reference to Twillingate and Fogo some two hundred years ago, which no doubt will be especially interesting to our readers in these places.Steamers RepairedMr. WHEATLEY - Lloyd's Surveyor here - merits the esteem and high regard of our fishermen. He has just discovered two ""floating coffins"" among the steam sealing fleet, and ordered them on dock for repairs. The owners objected, but Mr. WHEATLEY did his duty like a man who has some regard for the lives of our people. 'Tis really worth while to visit the dock and look at the condition of these steamers. - Evening Telegram.Report of Mr. G. ALLEN (Part 1)Report of Mr. G. ALLEN (Colporteur for the American Book & Tract Society) Mr. Editor: Through your column I wish to tender my warmest thanks to the friends of Notre Dame Bay, whom I have met yearly during the last ten years, especially in the small harbours and coves, where I have had sometimes to take shelter from the storm, but more frequently in the way of my work. As they read this they may feel assured that it is with happy memory that I often relate the temporal good and spiritual cheer I have met in these hospitable homes. On one occasion after staying a few days with a person I asked what was her charge. She replied, ""Nothing at all, sir." I said I do not expect you to take all this trouble for nothing. With an earnest voice that satisfied me that she meant it, she said, ""If a cup of cold water will not lose its reward, I suppose a cup of warm tea won't." This and many other instances are recorded on high. The statistics of the past season are as follows: I have sold to the amount of six hundred and ninety-five dollars worth, and distributed gratis, fifty-four dollars worth. The sales are not quite equal to last year. I have visited 1276 families. I have met 50 families or principal members of the family who habitually neglect public worship, and 50 families who have no religious books except the Bible and hymn book or prayer book; also 13 families without a Bible.......In a small harbor adjoining one of our populace districts, they told me only one person was able to read. In one of our largest settlements I made the following estimate : 20 percent are not able to read; 25 per cent have no taste for reading; 50 per cent have no means to purchase; 5 percent are able to buy, and 3 of 5 want novels; one wants scientific works, and the other Gospel literature.....May 5th - I Left Musgrave Town with Mr. KING who kindly took me to Catalina, from which place I travelled to Trinity.Report of Mr. G. ALLEN (Part 2)On the 15th I took passage on the Conscript to Tilt Cove. Here and at the near settlements I spent seventeen days and made very successful sales. From Tilt Cove I came to Little Bay. Here I travelled twelve days, meeting very fair sales. Having to visit Halls Bay on the South, also Harry's Harbor and near settlements on the North, Mr. W. MCGILL gave me the loan of his boat for the purpose, which I regard as a very special kindness and a saving of the expense to the society. From Little Bay I came to Pelley's Island. Here I made good sales considering the small place. Mr. Henry CLARKE very kindly loaned me his boat in which I called at Lushes Bight and Ward's Harbor on the North, and Troytown and Dark Tickles on the East. I was having a hard pull through Long Tickle when Mr. John SCOTT of Fogo overtook me in the steamer Matilda, threw me a towline and took me to Troytown harbor.....[Likely Triton - gw.] The weather being very stormy, I arrived at Exploits too late to take passage on the Conscript. I had to fall back on Mr. MANUEL's boat to come as far as Twillingate. I left Exploits with a fresh breeze from the West, which continued until nearly off Western Head. Here I was overtaken by a sudden squall from the N.E. and between the motion caused by the Western wind and the fast rising waves from the Northern gale, I had quite enough of it, steering the boat and bailing water. In such circ*mstance it was cheering to have an harbor under the lee. I came safely to Whale Gulsh, where I was very kindly entertained by Mrs. C. RIDOUT. The following day being more favorable I came safely to Twillingate. Here I spent a month doing successful work. Intending to be at home by the middle of November, I came direct from Twillingate to Salvage. Here I spent a week and sold more books than on any previous visit. Arrived home on Nov. 14th, after an absence of six months and ten days. Geo. A. ALLEN, Musgrave Town, Dec, 1891. |
Jan 30, 1892 | ||
AppointmentsHis Excellency the Governor in Council, has been pleased to appoint Alfred H. SEYMOUR, Esq., to be Sheriff for the Northern District, in the place of John BEMISTER, Esq.; Simon AVERY, Esq., J.P., to be Stipendiary Magistrate at Bonne Bay, in the place of Dr. R.R. SOMMERVILLE, resigned; Mr. James F. BANCROFT, to be Sub-Collector of Customs at Bonne Bay, in the place of Mr. N.N. TAYLOR; Mr. Henry J. WATTS, to be Clerk and Landing Waiter H. M. Customs, Harbor Grace, in the place of Mr. A. H. SEYMOUR. His Excellency the Governor in Council, has also been pleased to appoint Messrs. C.H. BOWEN, John COLBOURNE, Samuel ANTHONY and Horace HERBERT, to be a Board of Health for Pilley's Island, Notre Dame Bay. Secretary's Office, Jan. 5, 1892.Packing of HerringLast fall, Mr. NIELSEN, Superintendent of the Fisheries, packed in a quantity of herring at Sound Island, Placentia Bay according to the Norwegian plan. A portion of these herring were shipped at once to different markets in Europe and America, where they realised prices much beyond what had been obtained for Newfoundland herring packed in the ordinary way. In order to test if these herring would deteriorate anything in the value by being knocked about, a number of barrels were kept back and placed on Messrs. Harvey & Co.'s wharf, where they remained all the summer until shipped recently to the United States. They must have kept well, and been nothing the worse for the knocking about, for yesterday Mr. NIELSEN received intelligence that they had been sold in New York for $8.00 per barrel, and at a time when the market was stocked with Norwegian and Scotch herring; the Norwegian herring of ""KKKK"" brand, being offered at $7.00. The principal reason why Mr. NIELSEN's herring kept so well and brought such a good price was due to the barrels in which they were packed; all the barrels used by Mr. NIELSEN being made, under his supervision of birch wood with iron hoops. Mr. NIELSEN says it is of the very first importance that the barrels used in packing herring should be uniform, and made of good material; the hoops being made of iron. The Legislature, he thinks, ought to pass a law regulating the shape and quality of the barrels to be used in packing herring. If this were done and proper care taken with the packing and cure, a very much better price would be obtained for Newfoundland herring than shippers have yet received the demand would be increased and thus considerable impetus would be given to herring packing which, as yet is with us, a struggling industry. - Colonist.BirthOn the 17th inst.., the wife of Mr. Mark LUTHER of a son.MarriedOn the 6th inst., at the Methodist Church, Little Bay Islands, by Rev. W. REX, Mr. John JONES, master of the schooner, Lily of the North, to Emily Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Henry PENNY, of Seldom-Come-By.MailThe mails landed from D.P. Ingraham are still at Fogo waiting for an opportunity of being forwarded here. Should the ice go off, Mr. EARLE's launch, Swallow, will bring them here, otherwise they will be brought by couriers as soon as possible.Electric Light at Pilley's Island(Part 1)Editor Twillingate Sun - Dear Sir, - The S.S. Conscript is now hourly expected here, and by her, no doubt, you and your colleagues will be taking passage to St. John's to resume your labour in the Legislative Assembly of the colony. As you are aware the mining interests of this part has, within the past twelve months, changed hands and the Company now working the mine here are working under the title of The Pyrites Co., Limited, represented on this side of the Atlantic by Mr. Cecil H. BOWEN, who is also at the present time Manager of the works here. During the past six months many necessary and valuable improvements have been made to the property and works, and the future of Salt Pond, Pilley's Island, bids fair to be a bright one, with a large deposit of ore and skilful labour to work it, it cannot help being a prosperous little place. Three nights since, one very great improvement was brought to perfection, and I think in fact, the first one I believe either in Newfoundland or Canada, was successfully lighted by the electric light. The plant for electric lighting, I believe, was supplied by Mr. John STARR, of Halifax, and Mr. Chas. A. HOYT has most successfully erected and put in complete running order the light above referred to. These lights are supplied with three regally power known as the tabymeres [""Lahmeyer"" g.w.] - the ""dynamo"" bearing her name. The whole of the underground working, tramway, office, stores, manager's house, engine rooms, braces, and ore sheds are now lit with electric light, and it bids fair to be not only a great boom to the people but a very great benefit to the Co., who have had the enterprise and pluck to try an expensive experiment.Electric Light at Pilley's Island(Part 2)Mr. HOYT returns to Halifax by this Conscript, and we heartily wish him on his next attempt to bring his electrical works to such a successful issue as he has done here. On New Year's Day quite a sensation was raised among the younger portions of our community by the invitation of Mrs. BOWEN, to all the children of the employees of the company, to a superb Christmas tree; there being on it gifts for every child (as far it was possible to provide one) between one year and sixteen. When you come to think that there were over two hundred and fifty children to partake of these presents, you can easily imagine that it was not a very easy task to select purchases and arrange suitably, so as to endeavour to give the little ones universal satisfaction. However they all seemed pleased, and those that were unable to attend on the evening, received their gifts the next day, and methinks that our little folks of Salt Pond will not only remember New Year's Day, 1892, but also remember Mr. and Mrs. BOWEN, who tried so earnestly to give the little ones some pleasure, at this jovial time of the year. Yours truly, Nut Cracker, Pilley's Island, Jan. 15.Rules and Regulations Part 1)Adopted by the Board of Health for Pilley's Island, Nfld. - 1. No Householder in whose dwelling there occurs a case of Diphtheria or other infectious disease, shall permit any person suffering from the disease, or any clothing or other property, to be removed from his house without the consent of the Board of Health. 2. No inmate of any infected house shall enter any other dwelling house, shop, place of worship, school, or public gathering of any kind, without permission of Board of Health or Attendant Physician. 3. All persons affected by Diphtheria or other infectious disease are hereby required to adopt for the disinfection of clothing, bedding, utensils, and other effects that have been exposed to infection, such measures as shall be prescribed by the said Board. 4. No person suffering from Diphtheria or other infectious disease, or having very recently recovered from Diphtheria, or other infectious disease, shall expose himself or herself, nor shall any person expose anyone under his charge who is so suffering or who has recently recovered from any infectious disease in any conveyance without having previously notified the owner, or person in charge, of the fact of his having had the disease. 5. The owner, or person in charge, of any such conveyance, must not (after the entry of any so infected person in his conveyance) allow any other person to enter it without having first thoroughly disinfected it, under the direction of any officer of the Board of Health. 6. No person shall give, lend, transmit, sell, or expose any bedding, clothing, or other infectious disease, without having first taken the precautions prescribed by the said Rules of the Board of Health for removing all danger of communicating the disease to others. 7. In the case of death of any person suffering from any infectious disease the friends shall immediately notify the Medical Officer or the Chairman of the Board of Health of such death, who shall cause steps to be taken to prevent infection and for the immediate interment of the body. The funeral shall be private, and all infected apartments, clothing and other effects shall be thoroughly disinfected. 8. Any teacher, or person in charge of a school, upon reasonable grounds of suspicion or belief that a pupil is dangerous to the health of the school, (by reason of such pupil coming from an infected house or place), must exclude such pupil form attending school until he produces a certificate from a Medical Attendant.Rules and Regulations Part 2)9. The Board of Health, shall have power to placard every house or building in which any case of infectious disease may occur within that portion of the Electoral District in which the Board has authority. 10. No person shall deface, tear, or remove from any house or building any placard of the said Board of Health, without the authority of said Board. 11. No person shall go into or come out of an infected house after it has been placarded by the Board of Health without the authority of the Board, other than a Doctor or a Clergyman, or member or officer of the Board of Health. 12. Any house or building placarded by the Board shall remain so placarded until the same has been thoroughly disinfected, and the placard removed by order of the Board of Health. 13. The Board of Health reserves to itself the right of superintending the work of disinfecting all infected house or buildings. 14. Every householder upon becoming aware of the existence of any infectious disease in his or her house shall immediately report the same to the Board of Health. 15. No person shall, within the District over which the Board has control, suffer the accumulation upon his or her premises, or permit the deposit upon any lot belonging to him or her of anything which may endanger the public health. 16. The Board of Health and its officers may at all times enter and inspect all houses and buildings where there is actual or suspected disease, and give all necessary orders and direction for the isolation and quarantining and general management of the such house and its inmates as may be deemed by the said Board or its officers necessary for the preservation of the public health. 17. Police shall assist the Board of Health (when occasion shall require) to carry out the foregoing Rules. 18. Any person violating any of the forgoing Rules shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $50 for each offence, and may be proceeded against, in a summary manner before any Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, and in default of payment of any penalty, the person in default may be imprisoned with or without hard labor for a period not exceeding three months. (Passed by Pilley's Island Board of Health, 5th December 1891)" |
Feb 6, 1892 | ||
Electric light at Pilley's Island (Part 1)We are pleased to learn that the Pyrites Mining Company at Pelley's Island have adopted the latest and most improved modern invention for the effectual lighting of their premises and have recently had the Dynamos Incandescent Electric Light introduced there which will certainly prove a much safer, and in the end, a less expensive mode of artificial light than the use of lamps and kerosene oil. The ""Lahmeyer"" system of Electric Lighting which installed at Pelley's Island, is a 220 light machine, each light being equal to sixteen candle power, the plant having been supplied by John STARR, Esq., of Halifax, and was introduced at Pelley's Island a few weeks ago by his Electrician, Mr. C.A. HOYT, whom we were pleased to make a passage with in the Conscript on her last trip, and who appears to be thoroughly conversant with his business. The Electric Lights have been put over the entire Company's premises, namely, offices, stores, dwelling house, wharves, tramway, shafts, and all the underground working are also lighted by incandescent lamps, supposed to burn 1000 hours, so that the use of candles or lamps over any part of the business is entirely done away with.Electric light at Pilley's Island (Part 2)It must be looked upon as a wonderful improvement in the carrying on of so extensive a mining business as the company are prosecuting there, and no doubt will greatly facilitate the labor in the various departments of the premises by enabling the same number of workmen to perform a great deal more work during the regular hours, and with far greater satisfaction. The lights we are told, burn must brilliantly, and give a very steady light, while the system is perfectly safe. Pelley's Island, is the only place outside of St. John's, in this colony, that can boast of having Electric Lights, and we congratulate the enterprising general manager, C.H. BOWEN, Esq., on having this great modern invention installed there. The plant, as we have already said, has been supplied by Mr. STARR, who is one of the pioneers of electric lighting in Canada for the Lahmeyer system of Dynamos, which we learn are giving entire satisfaction in several factories which have lately been equipped. He is also at the present time equipping the buildings of the Moncton Sugar Refinery Company of Moncton, N.B., with an electric light plant, under the able superintendence of Mr. HOYT. This system of lighting, might, we think, with advantage, be introduced into this town. A plant could be had that would serve the lighting of several different premises at the same time and if, say St. Peter's Church, the Methodist Church and the mercantile firms near by would eventually determine to adopt it, the cost of installing the electric light would not be great for each, and would come much cheaper eventually than the dangerous mode now in vogue.Seal fisheryThe steamers of Messrs. John Munn & Co., that will prosecute the seal fishery from this port the coming spring are the same in number and name as sailed hence last year. Three of the fleet will sail from Harbor Grace, and the fourth from Pool's Island, Bonavista Bay. The Vanguard will again be under the command of Capt. Robert GOSSE, of Spaniards Bay, who has done well in her the past two springs. The second steamer of the fleet the Greenland, will as usual be commanded by Capt. Henry DAWE, of Bay Roberts - one of our most successful seal killers. His record is a good one; in round numbers he is credited with having brought in nearly a quarter of a million seals. The third steamer - the Iceland - will again prosecute the fishery from Pool's Island, and will be in charge of Capt. William WINDSOR, whose annual return from the ice-fields is synonymous with a bumper trip. The last of the Firm's steamers - The Mastiff - is to have a new master in the person of our friend and fellow townsman - Capt. Hector CURTIS. Although Capt. CURTIS has never had actual charge of a steamer at the seal fishery, he has yet been there for several years in the capacity of sailing master, and thus acquired no small store of seal-killing knowledge. The Mastiff has had many new masters but not one we opine with whom a larger quota of good luck will go than will attend Capt. CURTIS on his first trip. The Mastiff goes to the Gulf. That the largest prosperity may wait upon her and her confederates will be the devout prayer of all. - H.G. Standard.Sad news from Heart's EaseWriting under date of the 2nd inst., a Heart's Ease correspondent says - ""A very melancholy accident occurred here on Wednesday last, 30th ult. Two young girls name respectively Mary Ann PEDDLE, aged 13 years, and Julia JACOBS aged 12 years, while skating on the salt water ice, broke through a short distance from the shore, the latter falling on the former and keeping her from breathing over the surface. People ran from all quarters and succeeded in rescuing Julia JACOBS before the vital spark had fled, but poor little Mary Ann, having disappeared beneath the surface, was not recovered in time to save her life. After considerable exertion the body was borne to the shore. The rescued girl rapidly regaining strength and will soon be all right again. The people did everything in their power, but they had to beat through the slob, which was too thin to walk upon and yet too strong to get a boat through. The mother of the deal girl is in a condition of great prostration. I may have mention that this unfortunate woman's poor relief was stopped some three years ago. She had two sons from whom she received some help; but one of them died last year of la grippe and the other is on his death-bed. I sincerely hope our kind-hearted and sympathising government will take her case into favorable consideration and render such help as they, in their wisdom may deem proper. - Trinity Record, Jan. 16.AppointmentsHis Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Lieut. W.S. MELVILL of the Leicestershire (17) Regiment, to act temporarily on his staff as Aide-de-Camp and Private Secretary, vice Cecil FANE, Esq., resigned. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. H.B. DRYER, to be Superintendent Money Order Branch, General Post Office; Judge BENNETT, Messrs. R.S. MUNN, Joseph GODDEN, Charles L. KENNEDY, David FLYNN, H.J. WATTS, and Bernard PARSONS to be members of the Harbor Grace Grammar School Board. Secretary's Office, January 19, 1892"BirthOn the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. R.S. ROBERTS of a son.BirthAt Back Harbor, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. Edward WELLS of a son.DiedOn the 31st ult. Mr. Henry LOVERIDGE, an old and respected resident of this place, aged 83 years. The deceased was a native of North Perret, Dorset, Sommersetshire, England.S.U.F. Anniversary (Part 1)According to custom, this Society had its Anniversary on Feb. 2nd. The Lodge had decided to attend St. Andrew's church this year, and to extend their walk round part of the Arms. Therefore, as the ice had now become sufficiently firm, the procession of Brethren passed down the North shore, and crossed the ice from Path End, landing on the opposite side. On reaching the Church a short service was held, and a plain and practical sermon preached by the Chaplain. The collection amounted to rather less than five dollars. After service the brethren continued their walk to the Arms, and then returned to the Hall for tea. The building was well filled, and the numerous tables were well provided. Among the visitors we saw Rev. Mr. HILL and wife, Rev. Mr. KELLY and Rev. Mr. PEEK, who has been invited by the Lodge, as is Customary on these occasions. In the evening later on, an entertainment was given in the name of the Lodge, by the help of friends, who willingly assisted to make the anniversary a success; and certainly we have seldom attended an S.U.F. gathering which, judging by the applause and the good order maintained throughout, has given greater satisfaction to all present. And much gratitude is due to those who worked up the dialogues, and practised the music.S.U.F. Anniversary (Part 2)The following is the programme, as given the Worthy Master, Bro. John PURCHASE, being in the chair: Chairman's Address. Recitation ""Anxiously waiting"". Miss Laura ASHBOURNE; Song ""Dublin Bay"" - Miss NEWMAN, Dialogue ""Irish Schoolmaster and Pupil""; Song ""Where are you going"" - Misses. ANSTEY, FREEMAN and FOX; Song ""Come and be happy today"" - Miss A. ASHBOURNE; Reading, Bro. Jacob MOORES; Part Song ""The Happy peasant"": Dialogue ""Every inch a gentleman""; Song ""Low backed car"" - Misses. ANSTEY, FREEMAN and FOX; Song ""Yeomen of England"" - Dr. STAFFORD; Reading Mr. SWEETLAND; Song ""Brightly the moon tonight"" - Miss FREEMAN; Recitation ""Skipper Charlie"" - Mr. Arthur ASHBOURNE; Song ""Grandma's advice"" - Misses ANSTEY, FREEMAN and FOX; Reading , Bro. Thos. YOUNG, Song - ""Willie's such a tease"" - Miss SNOW, Recitation ""Don't be teasing me"" - Mr. Norman GRAY; Dialogue ""Rejected"" Song ""Better bide a wee"" - Messes ANSTEY, FREEMAN and FOX; Song ""Mistletoe Bough"" - Miss A. ASHBOURNE, Reading by the Chairman; Song ""Weeping Willow"" - Misses ANSTEY, FREEMAN and FOX, Dialogue ""Rumpus in a Shoemaker's Shop""; Reading by Bro. CHAPLAIN,; Song and Chorus ""Lily Dale""; Dialogue ""Married by the New Justice of the Peace"" ; God Save the Queen.SealsA good many seals, chiefly old harps and bedlamers were seen at Lower Head this week.Herring FisheryMessrs. Munn & Co., of Harbor Grace, shipped by yesterday's train from there, 600 herring barrels to Placentia. Messrs. MUNN, in their usual enterprising manner, are apparently going into the herring business very extensively. - Telegram, Jan 16.Salvation Army NewsA Banquet and Jubilee will be held by the Salvation Army, Wednesday, February 10th; the Banquet is to be given at the hall, to commence at 5:30 p.m. and the Jubilee at the Barracks at 8 p.m. The meeting will be conducted by Ensign T.A. MAGEE, assisted by offices and soldiers from Morton's Harbor, Twillingate, and other places. A lecture will be delivered on the work of the Salvation Army throughout the world. All are respectfully invited to attend.DiphtheriaWe learn that since the occurrence of the recent out break of diphtheria in Herring Neck and the adjacent localities three deaths have taken place. Three house in Pike's Arm and two in Cobb's Arm have been visited with the disease. There were six cases in the latter settlement all reported favorably progressing when the last information reached us. It is to be sincerely hoped that the very stringent precaution, which we understand are being taken, may avert the spreading of the pestilence. |
Feb 13, 1892 | ||
Salvation Army NewsThe Banquet and Jubilee held by the Salvation Army, on Wednesday last was quite a success. We understand the total amount realised on that occasion was fifty-five dollars and twenty-six cents.General newsSixteen years ago a young Hungarian emigrated to America. He was industrious and saved $3000, which he carried back to his old home, having converted it in England into sovereigns. On arrival at home his father recognised him and was told of the money, but the man's identity was concealed from his mother, who, in searching the supposed strangers room, found the gold. The woman got a knife and butchered her son, and when the truth was revealed to her in the morning she fell dead.WreckageNotice has been published in the Royal Gazette of the discovery of a bank off Cape Race about 600 yards in length and 300 yards broad, with ten fathoms or less water on it. This bank it is stated is known to the fishermen of Trepassey and it is said that in hauling their bultows after a heavy gale of wind, they have brought up wreckage, apparently the remains of cabin furniture. Some people are of opinion that it was at this spot the unfortunate City of Boston was lost. The bearings of the shoal are E.N.E. from Cape Race 17 1/2 miles, and N. 1/2 W from Cape Pine, and its approximate position is Lat. N 16 deg. 25 min. 30 sec., Long. W. 53 deg. 20 min.Fears for a Troop ShipConsiderable anxiety is felt in military and naval circles at non-arrival in England of troop ship Tyne, which sailed from Halifax Dec 14th, for Plymouth. She is now nearly nine days overdue and a rumour has been in circulation that she had sunk with all on board. The Tyne had on board the crews of the war ships Champion and Pleasant, of the Pacific squadron, who were transported here by rail from Vancouver, and who number about four hundred, besides her own crew of over one hundred and fifty. She was considered a fast ship, and her officers calculated on reaching the other side about Christmas. The military authorities here stated today that they had received no word of her arrival and did not know what to make of it. Times. Jan 16.Munn's Boneless FishIn last evening's train were two carloads of ""Munn's pure, boneless codfish"" freighted from Harbor Grace. It is made up in boxes, mostly of 80 lbs. Two ""bricks"" of ""40 lbs"" each. Three more carloads are expected this evening; and the lot is for shipment to Canada and the United States. We wish the enterprising firm of Messrs. Munn & Co continued and ever increasing success in this important department of their business. Telegram, Jan 19.Public Health (Part 1)Possibly there is no subject just at this present time, more worthy of a leading article in our journal than the health of the community at large. A few cases of diphtheria keep springing up from time to time, but by the prudent and careful management of the Health Officer, and the readiness of most of our people to obey the rules of quarantine, this dreaded scourge does not, to any great degree spread among us. But at present we are suffering from a different trouble - influenza, which though perhaps less fatal than the other, is very trying, and appears to drop down (as it were) upon whole families, like a blight, and is an enemy against which there appears to be scarce any real remedy; making all whom it touches shiver, and taking a greater hold upon the weak or aged than other. To those indeed it is a scourge, for what life remains to them it either threatens to destroy, or does destroy, by affecting the very springs of vitality. But one consolation remains to us, if consolation it be, that we are not the only sufferers from the epidemic, nor possibly are we so in the greatest degree. For we notice, by telegrams and such meagre news as we can receive at this season of isolation, that there is the same trouble elsewhere; that great and small alike are affected; that Princes, Cardinals, Bishops, Noblemen, and great men of every sort, are brought down by influenza, equally with the poorest. When we read that ""the London death rate is doubled"", we know what that means. Well have the French named the disease la grippe, for its grip is indeed tenacious; and we can only hope that as winter passes, and spring draws on, there may come a speedy change for the better. And, while on this subject, it will not be though out of place, even though somewhat late, that we should place on record our sense of the loss which the British nation has sustained by the death of the late Prince Victor.Public Health (Part 2)This sad news, which was among the telegrams of our paper on Saturday, Jan 16th, was made the subject of a special sermon on the Sunday following, by the Rev. R. TEMPLE, R.D. incumbent of St. Peter's, who took as his text the words of David, which he spoke in respect of Abner: ""Know ye not that there is a Prince and a great man fallen, "" (2 Samuel, 111 c., 38 v, ) upon which he founded a suitable discourse for the occasion. Let us be permitted, however, late as it is, to place on record our sense of the calamity that has fallen upon our Royal family, at a time too, when all was bidding for yet greater happiness and the further stability of the Throne. One thing, at least, has been abundantly proved, which is that the Nation still remains as loyal as ever, as is plainly seen by the grief felt wherever the British flag waves, or the English tongue is spoken. We have lost our Prince; our hopes for the future must now turn to Prince George; and long may it be ere that day comes, there are those who may have another Sailor King; Newfoundland remembers the former Prince William, who afterwards became William IV; may it please God when that noble Lady who now rules us, and her Son, have both closed their honorable careers, at some far off time to come, we may find that the nation's present loss has been fully made up for, and that the younger Grandson will be a King as excellent, we believe, as the elder one would have made, whose early death we now deplore. |
Feb 20, 1892 | ||
Fish DutyThe Spanish government has doubled the duty on fish, commencing from 1st February next. The consumption of this, our most important staple, will be considerably diminished on this account, and the price of it will probably have to be curtailed. Herald"BirthAt Fortune Harbor, on the 18th ult., the wife of William BISHOP of a daughter.BirthAt the same place, on the 26th ult., the wife of Joseph CARROLL, of a daughter.BirthAt the same place, on the 4th inst., the wife of John DAVIS of a daughter.BirthAt the same place, on the 6th inst., the wife of Philip HAMILTON of a son.DiedOn February 11th, James, the twin son of Elias and Susan WHELLER, aged 7 years."God forbids his longer stay, God recalls the precious loan, God hath taken him away, From my bosom to his own, Surely what he wills is best, Happy in His will I rest.""DiedAt Fortune Harbor on the 30th ult. of diphtheria croup, Michael, son of John & Frances LANNEN, aged 1 year and 9 months.DiedAt the same place, on the 3rd inst., of the same disease, Walter, son of William and Susan BISHOP, aged 1 year and 6 months.DiedAt the same place, on the 5th inst., of same disease, Mary, daughter of John and the late Margret DAY, aged 8 years.DiedAt the same place, on the 9th inst., Annie daughter of Denis and Bridget DUNN, aged 18 years.DiedAt the same place, of diphtheria, Frances, the beloved wife of John LANNEN, much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of relations and friends, aged 35 years.DiedAt Flurries Bight, 14th ult., of diphtheria, Benjamin SHARRON, aged 16 years.DiedAt the same place, on the 15th ult, by the same disease, John Rice, aged 21 years.DiedAt the same place, on the 19th ult., Frank Sharron, aged 12 years.DiedAt the same place, on the 19th ult, by the same disease, William RICE, aged 8 years.DiedAt the same place, on the 26th ult, by the same disease, Minnie RICE aged 10 years.Local newsThe Rev. Mr. WINSOR referred to in another column is well known to many of our readers, he having labored for several years at Herring Neck.SealsA good many old seals were seen on Monday and Tuesday last, the men who were off in boats brought in four and five each. At Morton's Harbor and Western Head also; the men did very well. At the latter place one boat brought in seven.SteamersThe steamers Hope and Eclipse will be added to our sealing fleet this spring, having been purchased in Scotland. The former is now the property of that time-honoured house of Messrs. Baine, Johnson & Co., and the latter that of D.S. & W.F. Co., of which Michael THORBURN, Esq., is agent. We wish the new ships abundant success, as well as the fleet in general.AccidentA very sad accident (says a dispatch to the Telegram) happened at Ramea on Saturday, when a mother and her son were drowned. Two boys belonging to Robert EVIS went out on a pond. One of them fell through the ice. The other ran and called his mother, who, while trying to save her boy, was also drowned. The family lived about two miles from the settlement.CensusThe following paragraph is taken from a late Halifax paper: St. John's, Nfld, January 16. - The census has been completed. The population of Newfoundland and Labrador is 202,000 an increase in the last seven years of only 4,100 or at the astonishing low rate of 2 1/3 per cent. The result of the census is a great disappointment. The last census taken in 1881, showed an increase of 22 1/4 per cent for the previous ten years. Emigration is attributed as the main cause of the decline in population. St. John's has declined over two thousand in the last seven years.Fogo newsS.U.F. held their annual anniversary February 2nd. They left the Hall for the Church of England where an eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev. W.C. WHITE on ""Brotherly Love"". They then proceeded on their march down the North Side, across the ice, landing at the premises of E. DUDER, Esq., up the road and for the first time they went in the new road to give our worthy Stipendiary Magistrate, Samuel BAIRD, Esq., three hearty cheers, after which they returned to the Hall, and dispersed to their homes to have tea in time to be back to the hall at 7 p.m. A very amusing time it was, and every one felt well satisfied with their evening's sport. Rev. H. ABRAHAM gave a couple of lectures in the Methodist School Room which was very instructing, first on ""The Heavenly Bodies"", second ""Christ's Early Church." A concert in aid of the Meek Memorial School will be held on or about the 1st March. This will be the second this season. Very few seals have been killed as yet, but a few were seen last week by those who were out on the ice.New Coastal BoatThe keel of the Coastal Steamship Co's new boat, which is being built to take the place of the lost Volunteer, was laid on the Clyde on Monday; the 18th ult., and her construction will now be pushed forward with all the rapidity possibly commensurate with thoroughness and good workmanship, so that the vessel will be ready to sail for St. John's early in the spring. The new boat will be at least two feet wider than the Volunteer, and will be fitted up, internally, on a different plan. The saloon and officers quarters will be all on deck to make more room below for freight. On the top of the building on deck will be a promenade with a protecting rail all around; a broad stairway will be run up to this from the saloon, so that it will be of very easy access to passengers. The place will be fitted with seats, especially designed for comfort, and over all will be an awning for the protection of passengers from sun or rain. The name of the new boat has not yet been decided on, but it is expected that she will be called the Omrac after the local residence of Hon. A. W. Harvey - Colonist.ResignationThe Rev. Mr. WINSOR, referred to in the following item, is a Newfoundlander, a native of Aquaforte. About a year ago, (subsequent to the Rev. C.E. SMITH's settling in Maryland) he accepted a call from the members of Trinity Church, Marlboro. He now resigns, having accepted another field of labor - Bar Harbor, Me. The cause of the Rev. gentleman's resignation is ill health. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED, - The Vestry of Trinity Church met on Monday and accepted the resignation of the Rector, Rev. A.S.H. WINSOR, who has decided to seek a new field of labor. He has already since sending in his resignation, received five calls, but has not decided which he will accept. One of those is a Church in Baltimore; another in Whitehall in the diocese of Albany, near the Vermont border; to a celebrated watering place on the coast of Maine. MR. WINSOR has been with us but one year and yet during that period the improvement in the Church have been very marked. He has been somewhat hampered in his work by ill health, but every one must realise that the work he has done has been upon correct lines and is lasting. His warm friends here will sincerely regret his departure. - Prince George's Inquirer, Jan. 15.The ""Water Lily"""The above is the name of a new Temperance magazine that has just made its appearance before the public. The Water Lily will be published monthly and is to be devoted to the interest of Temperance and moral reform. It is edited by Mrs. OBMAN, whom we have to thank for a copy of the first number of this excellent Temperance paper, and who is so well known to many of our people in these Northern parts evincing a deep interest in the cause of Temperance. This new magazine is said to be unconnected with any society and unsupplemented by any funds, and therefore an appeal is made to all friends of Temperance to support it, which it should readily receive. Since the Temperance Journal became defunct, there has been no paper in this colony especially devoted to the advocacy of Temperance principles, and this is the more reason why the new venture should be warmly supported by all lovers of the Temperance cause in our land. The Water Lily is a sixteen page magazine, published monthly at $1.00 per annum, and is printed in fine style from the job room of the evening telegram. We wish the new venture every success.Orange AnniversaryThe Loyal Orange Association (Crosby and Loyalty Lodges) held their annual meeting on Tuesday last, the 10th inst. The day was all that could be wished and about 11 a.m. the Brethren began to assemble at the Hall, some from Herring Neck, Tizzard's and Morton's Harbors. After finishing the private business of the Lodges, the Brethren walked in processional order across the bridge to the Congregational church where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. B. PEEK from the text Isiah 2nd chapter, 2,3, and 4 verses. Afterwards they walked down the South Side to the premises of Mr. Simon YOUNG, where they took the ice, landing at the wharf of R.D. HODGE, Esq., they walked up the North Side to the Hall, where, after giving three cheers each for Her Majesty the Queen, and the Association, they then dispersed to the several houses where dinner had been provided. At 7:30 the entertainment commenced and the following programme was gone through: - Chorus ""Move Forward"" - Choir; Address - Chairman; Song ""The Flying Trapeze"" - Bro. C. MAYNE; Reading ""Best of Wives"" - Bro. A.W. SCOTT; Recitation ""Yankee Quilting Party""; Recitation ""True Heroism"" - Mr. A. ASHBOURNE; Dialogue ""The Carpet Bagger"" - Misses HUGHES, SNOW and NEWMAN; Song ""Jack O'Hazeldean"" - Bro. A.W. SCOTT; Recitation ""Gottingen Barber"" - Mr. F.D. SCOTT; Reading ""Mick Free"" - Bro. Wm. GUY; Song and Chorus ""Little Annie Rooney"" - Bro. C. MAYNE; Dialogue "" Twenty Dollars a Lesson"" - Bros. MAYNE, SCOTT, HODDER, CLARKE, GUY, WHITE, OSMOND, FIEFIELD and Messrs. SCOTT, GRAY and ASHBOURNE; Song ""Annie Dear"" - Miss SNOW; Reading ""A Wedding"" - Bro. J. WHITE; Recitation ""A Disconcerted Supernaturalist"" - Bro. A.W. SCOTT; Song ""Wishing Cap"" - Misses ASHBOURNE and SNOW; Recitation ""Irish Philosopher"" - Mr. N. GRAY; Dialogue ""The Book Agent"" - Miss ASHBOURNE and Bros. SCOTT, MAYNE and FIFIELD; Song ""Starry Night for a Ramble"" - Bro. C. MAYNE; Recitation ""Lady O'Dee"" - Bro. J.W. ROBERTS; Reading ""Paddy's Courtship"" - Bro. C. MAYNE; Chorus ""Better Luck To-morrow"" - Choir. Recitation ""Scotty"" - Bro. A.W. SCOTT. God Save the Queen.Court NewsCase of the S.S."Prudence"" - Judge PROWSE, President, and Captains ENGLISH and WHITE who formed the Marine Court of Enquiry on the loss of the S.S. Prudence near Broad Cove concluded this morning, and the President delivered the following judgement - ""We adjudge that the said steamer Prudence on this occasion was not navigated with proper seamanlike care and that the loss of the vessel is due to the steering of improper courses but specially to the master's neglect to take regular and systematic soundings, and the master, Peter ROSS, is alone in default. As a result of our judgement we have no alternative but to suspend the master's certificate for three months, to date from the 19th instant. It is with regret that we do so, as in other respects, the master has shown himself to be a smart, able and competent seaman. We would recommend his being allowed a mate's certificate during the suspension of certificate of master. - H.G. Standard" |
Feb 27, 1892 | ||
Fares of the Herring SuppliersThe fishermen of Fox Harbor and vicinity, who had been supplying Newfoundland and American schooners with herring in and about Sound Island, had nearly all returned home by the 7th inst., having made from sixty to one hundred dollars each. The highest fare realised was one hundred and twenty dollars; but there were several who failed to do anything of account. The first sold by them was for salt cure, and was caught by slow degrees, owing to Easterly winds blowing out the Arm, and the river freshet carrying the bait out the bay. There are about forty American schooners still in the district awaiting frozen cargoes, and a large number of local crafts were there prepared to furnish those quantities when the opportunities were favorable. - Telegram, Jan. 20.FestivalThe annual festival of the ""North Star"" Division, No. 15, Sons of Temperance, will take place (D.V.) on Tuesday next, 1st March. Tickets for tea and entertainment are 30 cents each, and can be purchased from either of the following members: Bros. Geo. ROBERTS, F. LINFIELD. S. PAYNE, Jr, J.W. ROBERTS, R. BLACKMORE and N. GRAY.Seal fishery (Part 1)Letter from Mr. F. WHITE - Editor Evening Telegram - Dear Sir, - As the House will soon go into session, perhaps it would not be amiss to make a few remarks on the coming seal fishery to our members, that they may see the killing of old seals is stopped before it is too late. I can't see how five or six men in the Upper House should over-rule twenty or thirty. I should think that there is more sense in two heads than in one, and also I think the former have as much knowledge of the seal fishery as the latter, or is it because they have an interest in those steamers? If so, I think the sooner they sell out the better or make laws to prevent the extermination of the seals. In fact I don't see why we want an Upper House at all in this little island. Now, Sir, what's the cause of all this poverty on the so-called ""French Shore"", only the killing of old seals? Why, I can remember when it was the most independent part of our Island, now it takes thousands of dollars to the revenue to send pauper relief there. This remark the captains of those steamers know as well as I do, and so do any other men who has served twenty-three years at the seal fishery, as I have. There is no fish, seal, beast, or whatever you may term it, can be exterminated easier; they have warm blood and can live on the ice, land or water, and must have rest; now after pupping, they will stay with the young until able to take care of themselves (but that's not so these days, as they are killed with pupping, and the young left to perish). They go in schools to replenish the stock of another; they look out a good patch of ice whereon to rest, to shed their coat as we call it, and there they will lay for days.Seal fishery (Part 1)Now, sir, put me commodore of our fleet of steamers sailing from Pool's Island, I would not leave 10,000 old seals on the coast in ten years; it's no trouble to find them; let them lay a few fine days until they begin to sun-burn, then you may kill them with the heel of your boot. You need not go to the expense of $60 breech-loading rifles, explosive bullets, &c. I have been rolling them of the ice into the water, and they would return again. I have torn their skin down from sun-burn, and they will burn alive as well as dead; as I say, the captains know it as well as I do, but the owners may not, or what do they care as long as the Almighty dollar rolls in? What do the crew get for burnt skins? Is this the way to protect our seal fishery and look out for the future of our country? Why, sir, there are children born to-day that won't know the taste of flipper - what one-half of us were reared on here. Now, as regards sealing-masters, the owners can give them 20 cents per seal if they wish. Its nothing to me, but, as I said before, they must be very shortsighted, when they can get plenty of good men here to kill all the seals that are out there for three cents each, and I would say that they should be cut two-thirds and the crew get two-fifths, but that is their own look-out. I have told them how and if they don't do so, its no fault of mine. They ought to find a burns amongst them, not forgetting a Plimsoll. Now, Green Bay members, don't forget the old seal bill again. As W.B. GRIEVE, Esq., often said to me: ""White, have you not your old swoil bill passed yet?' But I can tell him and others, that if it's not soon done, I intend going in the House again the next general election to see that is , if for nothing else, and revolutionise the whole seal fishing business before it is too late. Your most obedient servant, Fred WHITE"Loss of the ""Avenger"""The schooner Avenger ran on the North head of Petty Harbor at 6:15 yesterday morning in a blinding snowstorm and became a total wreck. She was on a voyage from Boston to this port with a cargo of kerosene oil, Yankee notions, etc. and was consigned to Messrs. CLIFT, WOOD & CO. The captain and crew, who walked from Cape Spear lighthouse this morning, arrived here about 1 o'clock in a state of complete exhaustion, having been without food from 5 this morning. From the captain and the agents we learn the following particulars: - In the severe gale of Tuesday evening and night the ship was severely handled, her decks being completely swept several times, and her head sails and foresail blown away, thus rendering her completely unmanageable, while her boat was also broken up by a sea. At 5:30 yesterday morning the captain, to make sure of his position, as a severe snowstorm was raging from the N.N.E. , sounded and found eighty fathoms of water. At 6:15 the ship struck with great violence, and in a short time became a total wreck. The crew did not even save their clothes, and had extreme difficulty in getting on shore. One of the men managed to swim through the surf with a line round his waist, and making his way to a high rock, held on to the rope while the others clambered on shore with this assistance. His hands are to-day swelled out of shape from his heroic exertions. They made their way to the light-house at Cape Spear yesterday afternoon, and Mr. CANTWELL came on to town with the news. The tug Favorite immediately proceeded to the scene of the wreck, and succeeded in securing about fifty barrels of oil. She returned this morning, and taking in tow the schr. Harvest Home, in which to store the wreckage, again went off. The S.S. Conscript left for there about 11 o'clock, and had not returned when we went to press. The Avenger was a new vessel, was owned by Geo. WIGHTMAN, Esq., of Montague, P.E.I. and is understood to be insured. The crew immediately on their arrival, were dispatched by Messrs. CLIFT, WOOD & CO., to the Sailors' Home, where they will receive proper attention. - Evening Herald, Jan 22.Mining newsOur Little Bay correspondent informs us that times at Little Bay are much as usual. The mine at South West Arm still looks encouraging - a gang of men have been employed the past month cutting a line of road from the bight, in the direction of the mine at South West Arm.Night SchoolTo the Editor Twillingate Sun - Dear Sir, - This seems to be the veritable ""era"" of progress, at any rate it is so at Little Bay We have five places of worship with excellent Pastors to superintend them, well organised and well attended Sunday Schools, belonging to four denominations. Four excellent day schools supervised by well qualified teachers. A well organised Epworth League. A benefit Club for working men. Also, two free night schools, for lads and young men who are not in a position to attend day school; these night schools are held in the Roman Catholic school rooms, and attended principally by that denomination although open to others. They are presided over by several gentlemen who voluntary come to the front and give their services for the good of our youth who show by good attendance, their appreciation of this means of improving themselves. The teachers supervising in turns so that the work may not be too heavy as they all have other duties to perform. Messrs. P. LYNCH and Wm. PHORAN at the Bight, Messrs. Jas. ROACH, Thos. CONWAY and Ed. SMYTH at Loading Wharf. This, Mr. Editor, is a system of keeping night schools, that could be adopted in many of our outports, benefiting both pupils and teachers, for those who give instruction are ever ready to seek instruction. There is a night school kept, on the same principle as the two mentioned, on the line of road to Hall's Bay, supervised by Messrs. M. BOZAN and R. FITZGERALD. Yours, & c., Excelsior"BirthOn the 21 inst., at Herring Neck the wife of Mr. John RICHMOND, of a son.MarriedOn the 18th inst., at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Herring Neck, by the Rev. G.S. CHAMBERLAIN, Incumbent, Mr. John REDDICK, to Elizabeth, relict of the late John SQUIRES.MarriedOn the 19th Inst., at the same place, by the same place, by the same, Henry KING, to Adelaide WELLS, both of Change Islands.DiedOn the 21st inst, Charlotte, relict of the late Henry LOVERIDGE, aged 77 years.DiedOn the 24th inst., of diphtheria, Archibald, son of Albert and Mary Jane SPENCER, aged 9 years.DiedOn the 25th inst., of the same disease, Stewart, only son of James and Bessie OAKLEY, aged 7 years "" -There is a happy land, Far, far away, Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day, Oh, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is Christ our King. Loud let His praises ring, Praise, praise for aye.WantedTo hire, a schooner of 30 tons or thereabout, for the season commencing 10th of May, 1892. Information given at Sun office. |
Jan 2, 1892 to Feb 27, 1892, Transcribed by Beverly Warford (December 2002)
Page Revised by Craig Peterman (February 2003)
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