The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)

A PLAY STARTS IN FOUR BALL Two teams tied for medal honors yesterday in the 13th annual Amateur Four-Ball matches at the Miami Country club. They were ton Bright and Dan Sage of Atlanta who carded 35-32-67, and B. B. Lotspeich and Lynn Creason with 34-33-67. This 67 was the same score that tied for medal last year.

It took 73 to gain the championship flight. There are three former winners of the trophy competing this year. They Ciuci, who 1934 with Whtehead: Morton Bright, lea who won with Frank Stranahan in 1942, and the team of Christiansen Minkley, the 1944 and 1945 winners. Two former veterans of the old Biltmore days are in there again. They are Tubby Price and Sam Anderson who were runners up for four straight years back i in the 30's.

And they won't be any set up today against the defending champions Minkley and Christiansen. First round matches will start at 10 a. m. Following are pairings, the first match teeing at 10 and the the, rest at 6-minute intervals. Morton Bright and Dan Sage VA.

Ab Johnson and Del Woods. Earl Christiansen and Arnold Minkley vs. T. E. Price and Sam Anderson.

Fred Hopper and Doug Ford vs. John Moffett and Bob Goodman. Dick Ciuci and John Dolan vs. Gene Ellenson and Herman Hall. B.

B. Lotspeich and Lynn Creason vs. J. Short and L. C.

Short. John Peal and Glenn Peal vs. W. Millican and M. Mosely.

E. J. Flowers and C. J. Farley vs.

J. E. Hood and N. Berger. V.

Spaulding and C. Spaulding vs. Shag Daye and Bruno Minkley. Entries Oaklawn Park (First Post p. EST) 3 All races at furlongs start from a chute.

FIRST--A vances: 4-year-olds and up; furlongs: Red Blitzen 110 Gay and Light 115 Shake Sir 115 x-Tideway 110 Eniscorthy 115 Wheatsraw 107 Little Minx 107 Safe Bid Molida 107 Mordecal 115 Scotsbelle 107 Pandisco 107 Double Eire 112 x- Lester 105 1-Rockwall 107 Running 'Sue 1-Gray Dottie 115 Harkim 115 SECOND--Allowances: 4-year-olds and up: 6 furlongs: 110 x-Jean LaBelle 102 Count Gold 113 Darby Dallas 118 Half Pint Rooster 102 Top Book 113 Top Boots 112 Mary's Lullaby Never Fret Hello Cap 115 Vero Lumen 107 Lookout Rascal Guante 115 Cast Off Arabs Lady 111 That A Lady 2071 Indian Trace 112 THIRD Allowances: 3-year-olds; furlongs: Lady Nanette 107 x-Whiteford Will 110 Port Mars 112 xa-Wagon Boss 110 Duke Berry 112 x-John Sabo 113 Bubbling Easy 107 Flying Louise 110 Espiritu 115 Sugar Beet 112 za-Pascoda 113 a -Reynolds Brothers entry. FOURTH -Claiming, 3-year-olds. 6 furlongs: Lately 105 x-Carlasue 105 Lynnport 115 Vegas Pesty Green Garden 110 Custom Mary 110 Plentituff FIFTH--Claiming: 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs: Manhunt 1101x-Big Meal 104 Peace Again 112 x-Flam. Chance: 107 2-Anna Mullen 105 Phantom Player 114 Touch Target 108 Colty Shock 112 Quibs Bally 117 Ted Mosquero 112 1051 Phantom Son 113 2-Listing 109 x-Gal Ann 102 Patruska 1051. SIXTH--Claiming: 4-year-olds and up; mile and 10 yards: 1-Tipcat 107 x- Miss Mamie 102 and Night 102 x-Eunice 100 L': Syne 1021 Happy Guess 112 Sun Ivy Little Wasp 112 SEVENTH- -Claiming: 4-year-olds and Cp; mile and 70 yards: Knight Cappy 110 Town Hall 112 Crucible 112 Colors Up 107 Singing Steel 112 Mar J.

110 Let's Fly Seabread 112 up: miles: CHIEF 4-year-olds and Islo Pebio 115 Attache 118 Wolf Creek 1151 Make Fast 105 Rogue 1071x-Epaway 107 Karl's Best 115. X-5 Ibs. apprentice allowance claimed. SELECTIONS Louisville Times OAKLAWN PARK 1-Lester Little Minx, Molida. -Hello Cap, Darby John Dallas, Vero Lumen.

-ESPIRITU. Sabo, Sugar -Lynnport. Vegas Pesty, Green Garden. -Listing, Flaming Chance. Peace Again.

-Happy Guess. Sun Ivy, Little Wasp. -Lets Fly, Colors Up, Crucible. -Isio Peblo. Sir Rouge, Wolf Creek.

FAIR GROUNDS 1-Ski Dad. American Byrd, Flash Town. -Wise Don, Ship. Crafty War. -Bank Balance.

Wow. Stage Song. -Spirsilla, J. L. Moore.

Adlibit. -Col. Teddy, Captain Eddie. Song War. -Wise Port.

Frank's Pal. My David. -Seapar, Lianero, Merited. -BUZZ AROUND, Top Notch. Helis entry.

9-Ailessandro. Good Get, Border Blitz. United Press FAIR GROUNDS -Ski Dad. Bravore, Order Arms. -Baby Edith.

Ship Dicky. -Stage Son. Bank Balance. Wow. -Adlibit.

Riskaire, Laboulaye. QUILLON, Captain Eddie Song 0' War. -Academic, Dash, Wise Port. -Help Sweep, Hi Henry, Lianero. -Islam Prince, Honeytown, Kendor.

-Good Get, Darby Demonn, Praetorian. Ontario Meet June 20-22 TORONTO, Feb. Ontario amateur golf championship will be held as a separate event this year for the first time since 1941. Announcing the return of tournament golf to a prewar basis, the Ontario Golf association said yesterday that the amateur will be staged at the London Hunt and Country club June 20-22. HAVANA FREIGHT CARGO SERVICE Miami to Havana Approximately Every 5 Days Beginning First Week of March Automobiles-Trucks- Machinery General Miscellaneous Cargo Accepted FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 3-0816 SOUTHEASTERN TERMINAL AND S.

S. CO. 28 S. W. 4th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA MIAMI DAILY NEWS, Tuesday, February 26, 1946 3-B Joe And Asbestos By KEN KLING Occupy $15.30 was Saturday's baby which won for us.

Today we might grab off one which should pay even more than that. His name is F. B. Eye and we hope that because of his name he doesn't make the 1 mistake of trailing the other nags. We slip 2 berries on his snoot along with Nance's Ace.

HIALEAH Libyan Star FRANK ORTELL Bobtown (N. Y. World-Telegram) Miss Peg MIKE CASALE Libyan Star Miss Peg (Cincinnati Enquirer) Bobtown JULES SCHARMAN Miss Bobtown Peg (Florida Owl) Sal's Sister JOE BROCATOR Bobtown Libyan Star (Washington Times-Herald) Joblots LOUISVILLE Rough News TIMES Westler Threeply Bobtown UNITED PRESS Topsy Rose Libyan Star ASSOCIATED PRESS Threeply Bobtown Miss Peg INTERNATIONAL Bobtown NEWS SERVICE Rough Threenlv News DAILY NEWS Bobtown CONSENSUS Libyan Threeply Star PADDOCK GOOD YAWNING, ASBESTOS! NOT SO LOUD! UP. HEARS THAT RACE! LOOKS STAND UP. LIKE BAD HE LOVES NEWS! WEATHER CLEARTRACK FAST! SELECTIONS OFFERED SECOND THIRD FOURTH Bordeaux Big Demand, AMPHIBIOUS Swift Town Chally Valdina Aide Commodore K.

Cleverette Builder Swift Town Cleverette Amphibious Bordeaux Big Demand Builder Commodore K. Chally Mally Valdina Aide Bordeaux Big Demand Amphibious Static Chally Mally Valdina Aide Shifty Play Cleverette Builder Swift Town Sweet Pegotty Romanicus Bordeaux Say Blue Amphibious Akron. Gal Dainty Red Builder Swift Town Fille D'Orlean Wild Agent I Did Bullow Big Albert Akron Gal Aigrette Smart Stuff Stimulated Dainty Red Falsely Easy Spell Fille D'Orleans Helvetian Bordeau Chally Mally Smart Stuff Bordeaux Dainty Red Amphibious Beedee Fille D'Orlean Builder Stimulated Big Demand Valdina Aide Beedee BIG DEMAND Amphibious Swift Town Dainty Red Builder Bordeaux Bullow Falselv 15 Swift Town 16 Big Demand 15 Amphibious 10 Bordeaux 15 Fille d'Orlean Valdina Aide Stimulated Chally Mally 6 Wild Agent Big 10 Champion CHICAGO, Feb. PICKUPS lowa Loses, Ohio By FRANK ORTELL (By Special Permission of York World Telegram) HIALEAH PARK, Feb. 26.

Henry L. Straus, president of Tropical Park. and Herbert Baya.d Swope, chairman of the board of the Gables association, are due to arrive nere today. Both are confident the meeting there this winter will ret new marks, as well as provide the highest type of racing in the history of the friendly little track. B.

A. Murphy's Concordian is held at even money and Calumet Farm's Armed is quoted at 8 to 8, according to Joe Boyle, the pricemaker, for Saturday's renewal of the $50,000 Widener Handicap. This is on the play or pay basis. The other probables are "any price." The only horse played to date is Concordian and understandably so in view of his fine record and the fact he will in receipt of 19 pounds from Armed. Concordian, incidentally, put in an excellent workout this morning.

Hard held all the way, stepped 7 furlongs in 1:26. The Murphy horse turned the first quarter-mile in three furlongs in half-mile in five furlongs in and SIX panels in Among the visitors enjoying the sport at Hialeah Park are Dr. Robert Bennett, in charge of War RESULTS FAIR GROUNDS FIRST--Claiming, 4-year-olds and up. 6 furlongs: Polar Eve. Wallace 4.40 2.80 2.40 Sir Lo.

Brooks 2.80 Tomochichi. Williame 4.60 Time, 1:14 2-5. Also ran: Rather, Baron Omar. Tea. Country Butter, Bid-A-Sweep, Sutter, Butte, Valdina Rumpus.

SECOND--Special weights; maidens; 3- vear-olds: 6 furlongs (off Onery Pete (Jemas) (Finnegan) 19.60 11.00 10.00 6.60 6.80 Black Tempest Jo- Nance (South) Time. 1:14, Also ran: King Sonnet, Kip, Rake- Betty mup, Whats Yours, Love Queen. Gun Flak, Sandlapper. Daily double paid $56. THIRD Allowances: 3-year-olds; 6 furlongs (off 4.20 3.20 2.60 Periair (Wallace) Arrows Away (Allgaier) 6.20 4.40 Real Sweet (Leblanc) 3.80 Time, 1:12 4-5.

Also ran: Carry Mea, Beau Sweep, Miss Ho Toy. and FOURTH--Allowances; 4-year-olds up; 6 furlongs; (off dh-Sister Fox (Adams) 41.20 33.80 16.80 dh-Blob Del (Shufelt) 32.80 21.60 8.20 -Four Bells (Wallace) 5.80 Time, 1:13 4-5. Also ran: High Peak, f-Yawbijo, Credenda, f-Disel Sand, Temeru, Solid Meat, Sun Gallahad, Tchada, Balchen. heat for first. -Dead FIFTH- Claiming; 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs (off Try Flying: (Brooks) 14.60 6.80 Haggerty (Wallace) 5.20 3.20 b- Pipeliner (Pena) 3.00 Time, 1:13 Also ran: b-Lightman.

Johnnie Ehret. Tee Midge, Lovely Trace, d-Bohemia, Ray Belz, d-Snooks Winters. b-Mr. and Mrs. T.

Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Shipp entry. d-A. Graffa*gnini entry.

SIXTH- 4-year-olds and up; 1-16 miles: (off Taxi King (McKeever) 17.40 7.80 4.40 Spartacus (Jemas) 6.40 3.80 Passageway (Fay) Time, 4-5. Also ran: Kentucky Rose, Ronrey, SEVENTH Solvent. Claiming, 3-year-olds, 1 1-16th miles (off 7.80 3.60 Anvelt (Mallace) 3.00 Salin (Wallace) 4.00 3.00 In thhe Dark (Cleblanc) 3.00 Time, 1:49 2-5. Also ran: Boss Me, War Riple, Stage Light. EIGHTH-Claiming, 4-year-olds and up, Mary M.

V. miles (off 11.80 3.80 3.00 Stepsome (Johnson) 3.20 2.80 Fortunia (Brooks) 4.20 Time, 1:49. Also ran: Great Play, Miss Palooka, Hickory Jim, Blockader. OAKLAWN FIRST. Claiming; 3-year-olds; 6 furlongs (off Princess Eliza (Keene) 6.00 4.00 3.20 Pouting Mac (Featherstone) 6.60 3.80 Motivate (Hooper) 3.60 Time, 1:13.

Also ran: Vinita General, Fly Out. Kennock, Miss Pebble, Export. -Claiming 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs; (off Flying King (Clark) 10.40 4.60 3.60 Columbus Day (Prehm) 3.50 3.20 1-Denominator (Boucher) 3.30 Time, 1:14. Also ran: Dame York, Inwood, Crack Briton, Halcyon Boy. Persiflage, Turkey Foot, Don Listo, f-Edasel, f-Misty Eye.

1-Field. Daily Double Paid $43.50. THIRD--Claiming; 4-year-olds ani up; 6 furlongs: (off Timocracy (Hust) 8.40 5.50 5.20 Dark Ship (Camp) 10.70 6.60 -Nicks Baby (Franklin) 5.80 Time, 1:13. Also ran: Bar Grenade, Real Proud, Son Wolf, Chance Tea, Alfhangrier, f-Alabama Boy, f-Sue Damion, Ebony Edge. fField.

FOURTH-Claiming: 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs: (off Whyso. (Prehm) 10.40 5.50 5.00 Ksar of Audley (Wright) 7.30 5.20 Edgar B. (Keene) 5.40 Time, 1:13. Also ran: Anytime, Two Score, Stargoo, Border Scout, Bad Cold, Westy Streak, Stopover Gal. FIFTH--Claiming; 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs; (off Shoot To Boot (Franklin) 14.90 6.60 4.70 Aridisical (Frye) 11.40 5.20 dh-Teulight (Hartwick) 3.80 dh-Pretty Is (Root) 3.40 Time, 1:12 1-5.

Also ran: Betty Van, Zacaman, Mia Maria, Milk Always Flying, Black Thrush, Hy-Trite. heat for third. SIXTH--Handicap. 3-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs (off Holdall (Skoronski) 3.30 3.30 2.80 Bill G. (Clark) 4.90 4.40 Allisonia (Keiper) 5.60 Time, 1:11 4-5.

Also ran: Tawny Lady, Water Color, Credentials, Peaco*ck Lady. SEVENTH-Allowances, 4-year-olds and uD: 11-16th miles (off Impenetrable (Hartwick) 18.60 7.60 3.30 First Mate (Cavens) 20.50 4.80 Diavoloman (Carr) 2.70 Time, 1:46 1-5. Also ran: Vestibula, Grenouille, Our Boy, Letter V. EIGHTH--Allowances, 4-year-olds and up, 1 mile and 70 yards (off Lights Abeam (Turnbull) 5.50 3.90 3.30 Plover Brand (Craig) 8.30 4.70 Rosemere, 1:42. Chief Also (Bernhardt) Gainer, Brown 5.80 ran: Mate, Wise Chance, Blue Sash, See Paducah, Peace Fleet.

IF SHRIMPIE HE WON'T EVEN $50,000 Y'KNOW HOW EX- JOCKEY SELECTIONS A BUCK! HIALEAH HANDICAP. TODAY JAKE'S CLOCKER IKE FER HAS THE WINNER FOR HERE Y'ARE! MAMMY'S GITCHA FRIED LUCKY A (CHICKEN' PENCIL! BY TOP HANDICAPPERS FIFTH SIXTH SEVENTH EIGHTH Dog O'Sullivan Windmill Prefect Brenner Pass Always Harriet Sue Omamax Star Whiz Avenue Bell Nance's Ace Weyanoke Epicure ALWAYS Windmill Omamax Star Whiz Dog Sullivan Nance's Ace Prefect Brenner Pass Avenue Bell Harriet Sue Weyanoke Epicure Always Nance's Ace Omamax EPICURE Dog O'Sullivan Windmill Prefect Flange Diatribe Harriet Sue Weyanoke Mike K. Dog O'Sullivan NANCE'S ACE Great Rush Sunny Jack Always Windmill Weyanoke Star Whiz Chanteuse Harriet Sue Omamax Spoon Bread Always WINDMILL Smoke Puff Star Whiz Knight's Nance's Ace Omamax Spoon Bread Doug O'Sullivan Harriet Sue Beggar Iron Works Always HARRIET SUE Dog O'Sullivan Windmill Pomp's Gal Carmel Town Dog O'Sullivan HARRIET SUE Always Windmill Chanteuse Nance's Ace Dog O'Sullivan Windmill Always Harriet Avenue Belle Nance's sue. 16 Dog Sullivan 20 WINDMILL. 5 Always 19 Harriet Sue 3 Avenue Bell 3 Nance's Ace Omamax Mike K.

Satin Goods Spoon Bread Black Swan Quaker Prefect Brenner Pass Weyanoke Epicure Omamax Flange Prefect Omamax Wevanoke Brenner, Pass Omamax 15 Star Whiz 11 15 Prefect 13 Brenner Pass 10 13 Satin Goods 2 Epicure Ortiz Wins 13th Title Engagement SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. Manuel Ortiz, defending his bantamweight championship of the world for the 13th time, knocked out Louis Castillo, Mexican challenger, in the 13th round last night. The 24-year-old challenger, whol did most of his fighting in the third and fourth rounds and then took the champion's fusilade of punches with only occasional retaliation, 31 'SUGGESTIONS' OFFERED TO RACE COMMISSIONERS By PAT JOYCE CHICAGO, Feb. barns, novice rides once a week, and commissions-these and 27 left behind by Illinois State Racing when he departed for Los Angeles meeting, which opens today. The 31 points in Maj.

Williams' program to bring horse racing up from under were embodied in a little document entitled "The President Suggests president of the National Association of State Racing commissioners, Maj. Williams will undoubtedly bring up all 31 points at the Los Angeles meeting. If he does, and if they're ed by his cronies, racing will be so much the better for Maj. Williams' efforts, because his hardheaded platform makes sense as very few racing proposals have in the past. Here are some of the big ones! in Maj.

Williams little leaflet: Some basis or formula should be arrived at to establish minimum and overnight purses. Each racing unit should not hesitate to dismiss any of its own members who are untrustworthy. Strict police protection against bookies and touts should be afforded to the public at race tracks. Tracks should establish prominently located information and complaint offices. Uniform barns at all tracks.

Each, should have its state laboratory, and chemist. Tests samples should be taken of all horses finishing first, second and third, and also favorite if he finishes out of the money. Motion pictures of the entire running of every race. ORIGINAL RUBIN'S MIAMI'S FIRST LOAN OFFICE LOANS ON DIAMONDS -JEWELRY 145 N. Miami Cor.

2nd St. BANK VAULT ON PREMISES PHONE 2-1869 Same Location 22 Years claiming rules, receiving open meetings of racing boards other pertinent "suggestions" were Commissioner Ednyfed Williams and the annual commissioners' FIRST Springs, center for paralytic victims made famous by the late President F. D. Roosevelt, and W. C.

Langley, member of the New York State Racing Commission. Lou Walger, New York's mutuel manager and head also of the department at Tropical Park, report3 that just before he left the Big Town arrangements had been made to instal 39 more windows for sellers and 25 additional for cashiers at Jamaica. In addition, Aqueduct will have 48 more sellers and 36 more cashier wickets. Aqueduct's grandstand space has been expanded 350 square feet which will accommodate 11,000 more patrons. Eugene (The Mystery Man) Lutz is still as proficient as ever getting a horse to win first pop out.

The colorful veteran sent out his "the She's Home to register on week-end, although it was her first start since Oct. 9. Hal Price Headley's Letmenow and Pellicle are being shipped from Hialeah to New Orleans, Trainer Leigh Cotton reported Monday. Letmenow will go in $25,000 New Orleans Handicap, and Pellicle will run in the $15,000 Louisiana Derby. Airplane reservations are being arranged to enable Jockey A.

LoTurco to ride now Saturday in New Orleans, Riel Time here next Monday in the $10,000 Hialeah Juvenile Stakes, and Pellicle in the Louisiana Derby later next week. Eddie Arcaro has been engaged to ride Isadore Beiber's Moon Maiden and J. R. Layton to handle William Huntley's Umpydan in the $15,000 added Miami Beach Handicap on Wednesday at Hialeah. Jockey Tommy Luther reported sick Monday and cancelled his mounts for the day.

Joe F. president of the Baltimore printers, Dulany-Vernay, is a guest of Racing Secretary Charles J. McLennan at Hialeah. Dulany-Vernay print mutuel tickets for all the country's leading tracks. Jockey Red Howell, out of the saddle since 1941 when' he joined the army, is galloping horses every morning and will return to the races next Monday, closing day of the Hialeah meeting.

Of interest to Florida breeders is the report from John Partridge that James Norris plans to start big time operations on his acre farm near Ocala. Norris father of J. D. Norris, owner of the 1938 Metropolitan winner Danger Point-calls the farm Anthony for the nearby town of Anthony. Riley Smith's Son Dies SAVANNAH, Feb.

Riley Smith, five-year-old son of Riley Smith, quarterback on Alabama's 1935 Rose Bowl team, died here last night. The child's mother was Miss Frances Boykin, daughter of Rep. Frank W. Boykin, of Mobile, Ala. State, long-time runnerup to Iowa's defending champions, became the new undisputed Big Ten basketball champion today for the fourth time in history.

Coach Harold G. Olsen's Buckeyes, victorious in 10 out of 12 games, were assured sole possession crown last night when Indiana dumped Iowa, 49 to 46, eliminating the Hawkeyes' final hope for a share of the title. Entries Fair Grounds First Post 3 P. M. E.S.T.

claiming, 4-year-olds and upward, 6 furlongs. Arms 108 x-Ski Dad 108 x-Dolce Rosario Gala Grip 110 x-General Gems 110 x-La Riche 105 x-Drayore 108 American Byrd 113 Tower Pet Applaud 103 Miss Brady 110 Bit 0 Bud 107 Fay Jo 106 x-Hy-Stamp 103 Lafayette Girl Town 108 claiming, 4-year-olds and upward, 6 furlongs. x-Crafty War City 111 Raw Recruit 111 104 Step 108 Mighty Arab 114 -Dicky Maid 104 Stop Harping 111 x-Alvan .114 109 x-Baby Edith 103 Ship Jr. x-Wise Don 111 x-De Sota 111 -King's Glory 106. allowances, class C.

3- year-olds, 6 furlongs. x-Stage Song 108 Wow Quick Lick 113 Bank Balance 118 Canteen allowances, Lad the Pal- 115 metto, 3-year-olds. 6 furlongs. Valenti Laboulaye 116 x-Mrs. 106 Adlibit xJ.

L. Moore 111 Spirsilla 111 Riskaire 113 allowances, the Allard, 4-year-olds and furlongs. x-Sessy Patricia 107 Fly 110 Song 0'War 117 Eddie 117ix-Quillon Free 115 Handy Lad 115 Col. Teddy 117 Victory Lad 113 X-Good Ground claiming, maidens, 2- -olds, 2 furlongs. Frank's Pal Double Light 119 Wm.

Dash 119 Bali Miss 116 Marsha K. Anademin 119 Little Zenoma Port Wise 119 My David 119 x-Sweet Hope 111 Wise Port Little Beverly 116 x-Jalbeg 111 allowances, class 4-year-olds and upward, miles. Hot Spark 114! Lucky Change 114 Fiddle 114 114 Flight 102 x-Drum Fire 110 107 x-Panter Branch 110 -Suede Tens 112 Van-Or 114ixb-Boden's Pal 107 Merited 114 Hi Henry 119 x-Llanero a-Help Sweep 117 Singular b-Hy Rickey 112 a--L. 0. Handley entry; b--D.

Rando and F. Rando entry. added, the Chalmette handicap, Around 3-year-olds, 109 1 Kendor 1-16 miles. 118 a-Honeytown 113 Mate Me 114 a-Leonidas 115 b-Dorothy Brown 109 b-Isiam Prince a-Earshot 115 Top Notch 1221 a-W. G.

Helis entry; b-J. B. Theall entry. claiming; 4-year-olds upward, 1 1-16 miles. x-Yaf Praetorian 113 One Link 115 x-River Lass 105 Xam Josephine 108 Darby Demon Day 106 x-Border Blitz Alessandro 113 Good Get Hopefor 108 X-Kanopolis 110 x-Lactose 108 x-Lem's Baby X-5 pounds apprentice allowance claimed.

CAPTAIN BILL 3.25 DEEP SEA FISHING 3.25 BAIT, TACKLE FURNISHED PIER CITY YACHT BASIN RESERVATIONS CALL 3-3548 LEAVE 9:30 am, RETURN 5 pm YOU KEEP YOUR FISH Athletic Supporters Turner's Sport Shop 40 S. E. 1st STREET NEW TIRES ARE SCARCE Take Care of Your Smooth Tires Have Them Recapped With MIAMI HEAVY SERVICE CAPS -Mark of Quality14-32 TREAD DEPTH For Longer Mileage DYNAMIC BALANCE For- Smooth, Slow Wear WORKMANSHIP 700 1 20 Years' Experience in the Creation of Mileage HELPING GET MOST MILES FROM YOUR TIRES THAT'S OUR BUSINESS! Headquarters for Kelly-Springfield Tires KELLY TIRES field TIRE MIAMI RETREADING COMPANY 700 N.E. SECOND AVE. PH.

2-4019 MIAMI'S PIONEER TIRE STORE took the count on one knee, Ortiz weighed Castillo From the fifth round the 29-yearold Ortiz practically commanded the ring, and in the 12th he hacked the Mexican to his knees. Castillo came back almost blinded in the next round and went down on a right body punch in one minute 31 seconds. A novice race, once a week, to encourage novice riders. Uniform weight allowances for jockeys. No apprentice jockeys 'over the age of 21.

All meetings open to the public, including meetings of race board or commissioners. Maj. Williams' well -known campaign for an overall supervisory body for racing is embodied in another suggestion: "There is a growing need for a medium of change of ideas and for discussions prior to the enactment of any rules or regulations." As for trainers and the ing and the scandals? Well, one "suggestion" takes care of that too. Here it is: "Trainers should be held lutely, responsible for the condition of their horses. They should not be permitted to shirk that responsibility or place it on some subordinate employes." Redskins Sign Three LOS ANGELES, Feb.

The Washington Redskins have signed three more players for their pro football season this fall, nounces Owner George P. Marshall. They are Oscar Britt, former allSouthern guard from Mississippi; Clyde Ehrhardt, Georgia center, and Dick Poillon, halfback who was with the Redskins in 1942. All returned servicemen. -DEEP-SEA AND REEF.

FISHING $3.25 YACHT SYLVIA PHONE 2-1517 PIER 10, CITY YACHT BASIN Every Day, 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Free Bait, Tackle--You Keep Fish Capt.

(Bob) Dominguez TOMORROW AT Thirteenth of Fifteen Great Stakes in The MIAMI BEACH HANDICAP For Added Purse of $15,000 For Three-Year-Olds and Upward One Mile and a Quarter (On the Turf) ADMISSION CHARGES (Including Taxes) GRANDSTAND $1.50 CLUBHOUSE $3.00 BLEACHERS .80 (Reserved Seats $1.00 Additional) (No Minors Admitted) DAILY DOUBLE 1st 2nd RACES DAILY DOUBLE WINDOWS CLOSE 1:45 P.M. POST TIME 2:00 P. M..

The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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