MIN 709 (M) 2024 Amendments to ESP Code (2024)

MIN 709 (M) 2024 Amendments to ESP Code (1)

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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/min-709-m-2024-amendments-to-esp-code/min-709-m-2024-amendments-to-esp-code


The international ESP Code has been amended by International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolution MSC.525(106) (November 2022) and will come into force on 1 July 2024.

This MIN introduces the amendments to the international code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP CODE) which will come into force on 1 July 2024 through ambulatory referencing under The Merchant Shipping (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers) Regulations 2022.

1. Introduction/background

1.1 The Merchant Shipping (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers) Regulations 2022 require bulk carriers to undergo the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys required by the ESP Code. The international ESP Code has been amended by International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolution MSC.525(106) (November 2022) and will come into force on 1 July 2024.

1.2 The amendments to the ESP Code include the inspection during surveys of tanks, holds and void spaces for bulk carriers. During these inspections, the minimum standard before annual surveys are required, has been amended from “poor” to “less than good” meaning that the acceptable standard has changed from a “general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas under consideration (poor)” to less than “condition with only minor spot rusting (good).”

1.3 Inspections during surveys of bulk carriers having single-side skin construction will include examination of ballast tanks and their hard protective coatings at intermediate (2-3 years) and renewal (5 yearly) surveys. If the coating condition is found to be ‘less than good’, the tanks shall be examined at annual intervals.

1.4 Inspections during surveys of bulk carriers having double-skin construction will examine the tank/hold/double-side skin void space corrosion prevention systems, at intermediate and renewal surveys. Examination of ballast tanks and double-side skin void spaces where a hard protective coating is found to be in either ‘poor’ or ‘less than good’ condition, the tanks and void spaces shall be examined annually.

1.5 The examination of double-side skin void spaces for bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and of 150 m in length and upwards, shall be carried out when required depending on the results of the renewal survey and intermediate survey.

1.6 Overall, these measures, which will come into UK domestic legislation using ambulatory referencing, will improve the safety standards of UK registered bulk carriers and foreign flagged bulk carriers operating in UK waters while also satisfying our international obligations as a signatory to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 convention.

2. Amendments to 2011 (ESP Code 2011) - Annex A - Part A (MSC.525(106))

2.1. Paragraph 2.3.1 is replaced by the following:

“2.3.1 Where provided, the condition of the corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks shall be examined. For ballast tanks, excluding double-bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition as defined in 1.2.11, and it is not renewed, or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question shall be examined at annual intervals. Thickness measurements shall be carried out as deemed necessary by the surveyor. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in water ballast double-bottom tanks and it is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurement shall be carried out.”

2.2 Paragraphs and are replaced by the following:

“ Where a hard coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition, corrosion or other defects are found in water ballast tanks, or where hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the examination shall be extended to other ballast tanks of the same type. In ballast tanks other than double-bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and it is not renewed, or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question shall be examined and thickness measurements carried out as considered necessary at annual intervals. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in ballast double-bottom tanks, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements shall be carried out.”

2.3 Part 8 (Memoranda) is replaced by the following:

“Part 8 – Memoranda

2.4 The existing text of the paragraph after note no. 3 is replaced by the following:

“For ballast tanks, if coating condition less than GOOD is given, tanks shall be examined at annual surveys. This shall be noted in part 8 of the Contents of condition evaluation report (executive hull summary report).”

2.5 The existing reference no. 3 (IACS) is replaced by the following:

3 IACS Recommendation 76, Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure – Bulk Carriers, 2007.

3. Amendments to 2011 (ESP Code 2011) - Annex A - Part B (MSC.525(106))

3.1 Paragraph 2.3.1 is replaced by the following:

“2.3.1 Where provided, the condition of the corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks shall be examined. For ballast tanks, excluding double-bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition as defined in 1.2.11, and it is not renewed, or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question shall be examined at annual intervals. Thickness measurements shall be carried out as deemed necessary by the surveyor. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in water ballast double-bottom tanks and it is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurement shall be carried out.”

3.2 A new paragraph 2.3.4 is added after existing paragraph 2.3.3, as follows:

“2.3.4 For double-side skin void spaces bounding cargo holds for bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and of 150 m in length and upwards, where provided, the condition of the corrosion prevention system of void spaces shall be examined. Where a hard protective coating is found to be in POOR condition as defined in 1.2.11, and it is not renewed, or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, the void spaces in question shall be examined at annual intervals. Thickness measurements shall be carried out as deemed necessary by the surveyor.”

3.3 A new paragraph 3.7 is added after existing paragraph 3.6.2, as follows:

“3.7 Examination of double-side skin void spaces for bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and of 150 m in length and upwards Examination of double-side skin void spaces, for bulk carriers exceeding 20 years of age and of 150 m in length and upwards, shall be carried out when required as a consequence of the results of the renewal survey and intermediate survey. When considered necessary by the Administration, or when extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements shall be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements shall be increased in accordance with annex 10. These extended thickness measurements shall be carried out before the survey is credited as completed. Suspect areas identified at previous surveys shall be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys shall have thickness measurements taken. For bulk carriers built under the IACS Common Structural Rules, the annual thickness gauging may be omitted where a protective coating has been applied in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s requirements and is maintained in good condition.”

3.4 Paragraphs and are replaced by the following:

“ Where a hard coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition, corrosion or other defects are found in water ballast tanks or where hard protective coating wasnot applied from the time of construction, the examination shall be extended to other ballast tanks of the same type. In ballast tanks other than double-bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and it is not renewed, or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question shall be examined and thickness measurements carried out as considered necessary at annual intervals. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in ballast double-bottom tanks, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has not been applied, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements shall be carried out.”

3.5 Parts 5 (Tank/hold corrosion prevention system) and 8 (Memoranda) are replaced by the following:

“Part 5 – Tank/hold/double-side skin void space corrosion prevention system

  • Separate form indicating:

  • location of coating

  • condition of coating (if applicable)

Part 8 – Memoranda

  • Acceptable defects

  • Any points of attention for future surveys, e.g. for suspect areas

  • Examination of ballast tanks and double-side skin void spaces at annual surveys due to coating breakdown”

3.6 The chapeau of “Tank/hold corrosion prevention system”, including the table and the text underneath, is replaced.

The existing references are replaced by the following:

“1 - IACS, Recommendation 76: Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure – Bulk Carriers, 2000

2 - TSCF, Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull Tanker Structures, 1995

3 - TSCF, Guidelines Manual for Tanker Structures, 1997”

4. Amendments to 2011 (ESP Code 2011) - Annex B - Part A (MSC.525(106))


4.1 Paragraph 1.2.1 is replaced by the following:

“1.2.1 Double-hull oil tanker is a ship which is constructed primarily for the carriage of oil in bulk, has cargo tanks forming an integral part of the ship’s hull and is protected by a double-hull which extends for the entire length of the cargo area, consisting of double sides and double-bottom spaces for the carriage of water ballast or void spaces.”

4.2 Paragraph 2.6.1 is replaced by the following:

“2.6.1 The minimum requirements for ballast tank pressure testing at the renewal survey are given in 2.6.3 and in annex 3.

The minimum requirements for cargo tank testing at the renewal survey are given in 2.6.4 and annex 3.

Cargo tank testing carried out by the ship’s crew under the direction of the master may be accepted by the surveyor, provided the following conditions are complied with:

.1 a tank testing procedure, specifying fill heights, tanks being filled and bulkheads being tested, has been submitted by the owner and reviewed by the Administration prior to the testing being carried out;

.2 the tank testing is carried out prior to the overall survey or close-up survey;

.3 the tank testing is carried out within the special survey window and not more than three months prior to the date on which the overall or close-up survey is completed;

.4 the tank testing has been satisfactorily carried out and there is no record of leakage, distortion or substantial corrosion that would affect the structural integrity of the tank;

.5 the satisfactory results of the testing are recorded in the vessel’s logbook; and

.6 the internal and external condition of the tanks and associated structure are found satisfactory by the surveyor at the time of the overall and close-up survey.”

4.3 Part 9 (Memoranda) is replaced by the following:

“Part 9 – Memoranda

  • Acceptable defects

  • Any points of attention for future surveys, e.g. for suspect areas

  • Examination of ballast tanks at annual surveys due to coating breakdown”

4.4 The existing text of the paragraph after note 3 is replaced by the following:

“For ballast tanks, if coating condition less than GOOD is given, tanks shall be examined at annual surveys. This shall be noted in part 9 of the Contents of condition evaluation report (executive hull summary report).”

4.5 The existing references are replaced by the following:

“1 IACS, Recommendation 96: Double Hull Oil Tankers – Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structures, 2019.

2 TSCF, Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull Tanker Structures, 1995.

3 TSCF, Guidelines Manual for Tanker Structures, 1997.”

5. Amendments to 2011 (ESP Code 2011) - Annex B - Part B (MSC.525(106))


5.1 Paragraph 1.2.1 is replaced by the following:

“1.2.1 Oil tanker is a ship which is constructed primarily to carry oil in bulk in cargo tanks forming an integral part of the ship’s hull, including ship types such as combination carriers (ore/oil ships, etc.) but excluding ships carrying oil in independent tanks which are not part of the ship’s hull, such as asphalt carriers.”

5.2 Paragraph 2.6.1 is replaced by the following:

“2.6.1 The minimum requirements for ballast tank pressure testing at the renewal survey are given in 2.6.3 and in annex 3.

The minimum requirements for cargo tank testing at the renewal survey are given in 2.6.4 and annex 3.

Cargo tank testing carried out by the ship’s crew under the direction of the master may be accepted by the surveyor, provided the following conditions are complied with:

.1 a tank testing procedure, specifying fill heights, tanks being filled and bulkheads being tested, has been submitted by the owner and reviewed by the Administration prior to the testing being carried out;

.2 the tank testing is carried out prior to the overall survey or close-up survey;

.3 the tank testing is carried out within the special survey window and not more than three months prior to the date on which the overall or close-up survey is completed;

.4 the tank testing has been satisfactorily carried out and there is no record of leakage, distortion or substantial corrosion that would affect the structural integrity of the tank;

.5 the satisfactory results of the testing are recorded in the vessel’s logbook; and

.6 the internal and external condition of the tanks and associated structure are found satisfactory by the surveyor at the time of the overall and close-up survey.”

5.3 Part 9 (Memoranda) is replaced by the following:

“Part 9 – Memoranda

  • Acceptable defects

  • Any points of attention for future surveys, e.g. for suspect areas

  • Examination of ballast tanks at annual surveys due to coating breakdown”

5.4 The existing text of the paragraph after note 3 is replaced by the following:

“For ballast tanks, if coating condition less than GOOD is given, tanks shall be examined at annual surveys. This shall be noted in part 9 of the Contents of condition evaluation report (executive hull summary report).”

5.5 The existing references are replaced by the following:

“1 IACS, Recommendation 96: Double Hull Oil Tankers – Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structures, 2019.

2 TSCF, Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull Tanker Structures, 1995.

3 TSCF, Guidelines Manual for Tanker Structures, 1997.”

More information

HQ Survey Operations Branch
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Bay 2/20
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG

Telephone: +44 (0)203 8172000

Email: info@mcga.gov.uk

Website: www.gov.uk/mca

Please note that all addresses and telephone numbers are correct at time of publishing.

MIN 709 (M) 2024 Amendments to ESP Code (2024)


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