Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1 Chronicle- Tribune, Marion, Indiana Friday, November 11, 1983 Woman charged with stabbing four 'nurse's DALLAS aide (AP) charged A 34-year-old She told police investigator. M.E. In 1971, she was placed on probation Meanwhile, three nursing home with stabbing Jones about hearing voices in her after being convicted of forgery, idents remained in Doctors Hospital resfour nursing home residents told po- head when he spoke with her after she Boardman said. Thursday, all in stable and satisfactolice she had been under a doctor's was arrested Wednesday at the nurs- Beverly Holt, administrator of Doc- ry condition. care for six years since suffering a ing home.

tors Nursing Home, -said Thursday nervous breakdown and had been "She doesn't know why she did it," she "had no earthly idea" that Bibles Edward Horsley, 67, was recuperathearing "voices and gunshots" re- Jones said. was under a doctor's care. ing from surgery he underwent cently. Criminal District Court Magistrate "We have a question (on the em- Wednesday for an abdominal wound. Tom Boardman said Bibles had ployment application) asking about Alberta Zostoupil, 67, suffered a stab Diane Bibles, who was on probation been placed on 10 years probation in physical problems that might inter- wound in the right shoulder and Okla for aggravated assault, was ar- 1981 after being convicted of aggra- fere with job performance, but we Browne, 90, suffered a superficial raigned on four charges of causing in- vated assault.

Police said she fired don't ask about mental chest wound. jury charge of aggravated assault, and one shots at four people after being an- Mrs. Holt said. "Legally, I'm not sure A fourth nursing home resident, to elderly individuals and re- gered by a sermon preached at a Dal- we can." Gladys Spragins, 85, was treated for mained in jail Thursday in lieu of las church. No one was injured in that Holt said the nursing home would an abdominal wound and returned to $100,000 bond.

incident. review its hiring practices. the nursing home. 4 AP Photo ARRIVES AT JAIL Erica Bouza, wife of Minneapolis Police Chief Tony Bouza, carries her bags into the Hennepin County Workhouse Thursday to begin a 10-day jail sentence for her part in an antiwar demonstration at Honeywell, Inc. Police chief's wife begins jail sentence PLYMOUTH.

Minn. (AP) Saying she hoped her husband wouldn't be embarrassed, the wife of the Minneapolis police chief went to jail for 10 days Thursday for trespassing during an anti-war demonstration at Honeywell Inc. Erica Bouza, clad in jeans, sweatshirt and tennis shoes and armed with a duffel bag containing a collection of Jane Austen novels, worked her way through a throng of reporters and photographers to enter the Hennepin County Adult Corrections Facility in Minneapolis suburb of Plymouth. Mrs. Bouza, 52.

said it was her first time in jail. Asked what most concerned her about serving the term, she said, "Well, I miss my husband very much. I'm not used to being away from him. And being locked up. It's frightful.

not having one's freedom. "'He says I haven't caused him any embarrassment," she added, "and I hope I haven't. I love him very and the last thing I want to do is cause him any embarrassment." Chief Anthony Bouza did not accompany his wife to the jail, but will visit her there, she said. "I don't want him to, but he wants to," she said. Asked why she didn't want him to visit her, she said, "Well.

with all of (news media) following him around, it's a bit awkward. quite frankly." Bouza, known for his sense of humor, was asked why he did not got with his wife to the jail. "She packed and left and, as we are talking, I presume the gates have closed behind one of the better-known criminals of Minneapolis," he replied. Mrs. Bouza was one of several people sentenced to jaul for going onto Honeywell property during an Oct.

24 demonstration against the company's acceptance of Department of Defense contracts. The company makes electronic gear for nuclear warheads. In 577 protesters were arrested for trespassing. Mrs. Bouza and six other women receiving jail terms had been arrested on the same charges last April.

The arrest in October violated terms of their probation in the first arrest. Mrs. Bouza was given a 30-day sentence, 20 days suspended. She could get out in eight days with time off for good behavior, according to Sigmund Fine, superintendent of the facility. Asked if she would take part in another anti-war protest at Honeywell, Mrs.

Bouza said, "I will demonstrate, but I think it unlikely that I will get arrested again. I feel I've made my point and I can't go on forcing people to believe what I believe. All I can do is try and raise their consciousness and hope it will change things just a little bit." Christmas Open House le 10th Anniversary Sale Nov. 13th, 12-5 Kinderaft 508 S. 664-4033 Wash.

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Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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